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These wild kids!

Posted by Kes


Forum: Normal Humans Group

Kids these days are so wild! I remember when I was a young one...things were much different, that's for sure! Can I get an "amen"?

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Reply by Mushroom landing


Amen sister! When I was a kid, we would play for hours in the ditch beside the road. I would pick up sticks and pretend they were swords! Kids these days don't know what a "road" or a "ditch" is, they just know iPhobe and Netlfics. Kids these days pick up a rock and pretend it's a phone. Things just aren't the same. 

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Reply by Kes


LMAO! Loving that silly little meme, consider it "shared!"

I think kids should enjoy more down-to-earth things, like cholera and dysentery, and less time worrying about their MyBooks and SpaceFace! 

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