Hey there everyone. I am curious to see exactly how many people on here are gardeners or wanting to start a garden. I had a funny conversation with someone who thought you had to be a "hippy" to garden. I literally almost peed myself laughing... no exaggeration. It just so happens that my nickname is Pheobe as in from friends because I myself am a little wild. I explained to him that to garden isn't a hippy or chick thing it's actually a really good pass time activity that you benefit from in SO many good ways. You save money on food that you're not constantly buying and even can use some plants and herbs as medicine so there is that to lean on when your low on over-the-counter meds or can't make it to the store right away. I suffer from Migraines and bad ones at that, one thing that helps me personally is feverfew tincture.
« Goals, Plans, Hopes Forum
Goals for Your Garden
11 Replies

Reply by Satan's Lavendar
Ooh, you gotta tell me more about growing feverfew, I'm just discovering how awesome it is!
Reply by Morgan_Lozano95
That's awesome! I read with fruit trees that are still young it's good to prune the fruits off so the tree puts more energy and nutrients into the growth of the branches and trunk. With feverfew it needs sunlight to germinate so sprinkle the seeds and lightly press it down but do not cover it with dirt! :) What zone do you grow in?
Reply by Kenneth
I'm hoping to have a backyard garden at some point. I hope I can at least craft a plan this year and get the soil ready for planting even if I don't grow much this year. We do have space on the sides we usually grow peppers but I want to learn more about what's best to grow in my region. Also want to grow a few plants for medical purposes but have to learn more about that. This year will probably be learning than anything tangible
Reply by 8888
I finally acquired my first ever space all to myself and I've felt really overwhelmed by it, also blessed. I have a front yard that is full of hard earth. I live in a dessert, anyone who has helpful tips on how to get the soil nutrient rich IM me, would love to gain some garden pals on here!
Reply by oklunch
Reply by oklunch
Reply by River
Reply by Ryan Sims
I just bought a home myself in the Midwest, and it was super overgrown with just junk landscaping, like mint and various vines... I am working on clearing out the landscaping, at which point I will replace it with useful plants, like a garden. Tomatoes, Corn, peas, etc.
Looking forward to getting things going on my garden!
Reply by Zoseph
Good luck Ryan!
Below is some pics for my garden as it is, but my gaols are:
Set up a 5 gallon fountain, maybe try to turn it into a biotope.
Figure out how to funnel more rainwater into my rainbarrel, and buy a auto solar irigator (Sp?)
Start Cilantro, Peas and Carrots to try to get one last harvest out of my mild zone 9 winter.
Harvest and preserve my catnip so i can use it over winter, likely by making a tincture of it?
Funny enough Ryan I can't get mint to grow on my balcony! So i need that too (Haha, send me yours! //JK jk)
Reply by Zoseph
Reply by Ryan Sims
Those are some nice looking plants you got there Zoseph. I unfortunately do not have any pictures of my mint at the moment, and currently my mint is buried under several inches of snow... It'll be back in the spring though... Mint is difficult to control or contain!