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If you have a crush on someone what's keeping you from confessing?

Posted by Yayaa


Forum: Life

Hey guys!

After reviewing my last blog post, I was honestly curious about why other people would hessite from confessing to their crush that they like them. Now, I'm sure that there are numerous reasons that surround this kind of topic. ESPICALLY the double standard about girls confessing their crush to boys.ย 

But, honestly, something like that never really concerned me at all. Especially, in this day of age, like who tf cares at this point. But honestly I guess it also depends on the circumstances as well. Idk, I'm not an expert in these kinds of things lol.

Anyways, I would like to know what would keep you guys from confessing to your crush? Is it bc of gender roles, fear of rejection, something that you rather keep to yourself, or something a little more scandalous?ย 

Feel free to answer in the comment section, and stay tuned for episode 3 of Caramel Chocolate!

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9 Replies

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Reply by sigma steph


The thought of him rejecting me is scary to me and i feel that he likes some other girl whos way better than i am.

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Reply by Alice


He's a grown adult and i'm 13...ย 

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He's taken and often talks about his gf, not only that but he probably has no idea who I am even though we went to the same class.

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Reply by DemonAngelCat


Alright, the short list

-rejection sensitivity is a bitch

-I might have abandonment issues and the thought that he might not even want to be around me after learning my feelings for him makes me feel like dying

-I donโ€™t know how to phrase myself

-I feel like our current relationship is in a stalemate bc Iโ€™m intimidated and donโ€™t how to approach him without making my personality something completely different so I seem like Iโ€™m perfect for him (see abandonment issues)

-I am pretty sure he doesnโ€™t like me back

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Reply by manofSteele


Because I know damn well that the person does not see me the same way and I will get rejected.ย  And confessing and then getting rejected is humiliating.

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Reply by Butterfly Casket


Its a mixture of the fact that I know I wouldn't be good for them and the fact they are currently in a relationship.

edit: My computer was lagging I didn't mean to comment this three times. ;_;)

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


It's a combination of me not being 18 yet plus a fear of being rejected (for literally any reason).

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Reply by river styx 360


I like him as a friend bc he's really cool but also I worry he'll think of me differently

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Reply by BettyBabyXoXo


I think it's mostly the fear of being rejected. Like I "know" his friends (more like I know how they act cuz I don't mostly talk to them) so I'm afraid he has similar style how he looks at girls etc. Also I'm mostly insecure so it's hard for me to let go of the thoughts he would see me the way I see myself or he will make fun of me. Things like that

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