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Call center rants

Posted by Zowey


Forum: Jobs, Work, Careers

Best or worst call center stories AND... GO!!

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Reply by codak


I worked a customer service job for a year and a half answering customer complaints, filing warranties, etc. One day I had a customer, who spent nearly a thousand dollars on one battery that was flooded, (context: flooded batteries cannot be shipped anything but LTL freight, meaning shipping was $300 at least). I carry conversation for a couple weeks, battery comes in from back order, and confirm price, and quantity with customer. 

At least so I thought, because man, when that battery showed up and he saw it was only one instead of four that he thought it would be, he called and threw a fit. Of course you have the customers who are nice and understandable, admit their fault. This guy was so pissed that I told him we clarified quantity and price over the phone he was convinced I was a scammer, and I was covering up my own mistake. This man called for the rest. of. the. damn. day just ready for more and more.

I eventually quit and got a warehouse job. Sometimes people are too much.

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Reply by necromancer


I worked at a couple of call centres for almost a year and I remember having stories but they've fully fallen away like sand between my fingers. That whole year of my life is just a blur. What I remember more than the calls were the coworkers. One of my places took anyone without an interview and then culled most of the people they hired in two weeks. So we got all sorts of people. A lot of them were young people so there was some drama. Some older people with quirks or lifestyles that made them unsuitable for other kinds of employment I guess. I dunno, call centre stuff was an almost-pleasant numbness, I definitely remember thinking I could do it for the rest of my life and be pretty much okay with life.

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