I have done kandi bracelets when I was younger, but I wish to make now more interesting and fun models, but I don't know where to start- so I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask here for some tips! If you have any please give me some :D
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I want to start kandi!!! any tips?
11 Replies
Reply by Lava
Flower cuffs are pretty easy and regular ones with words. for more complex a mask or roating cuff. You can look up some on youtube and find other things you can make
Reply by ༓☾allikat☽༓
Buy your beads in bags of one color instead of the boxes with multiple colors mixed in, it keeps it way more organized. And invest in some beads that arent pony beads, they bring more attention. using a less slippery cord helps too
Reply by KoZeMars XD
When you tie it of put glue or even nail polish on the knot for extra security.
Reply by XxLex ZombiexX 🍉
YouTube tutorials are super helpful, cybr.grl has a great basic cuff tutorial X3
Reply by Finley!!1 xD
always knot 1t l1k3 2 t1m3z mor3 th3n u thinkz u n33d 2 :3
(always knot it like 2 times more then u think u need 2)
Reply by Mizfit
I Rllly Recc tezting any any elaztic ztring u get LOL, zo u can make zure it doeznt just znap! weak ztring iz not good 4 cuffs or any kind of kandi, u dont wnt it 2 break LOLZ
Reply by benny // whalefall
Reply by 🪞🎧m43ee💭🏝
Reply by sparrow
Reply by cosmo *GLOMPZZ*
Reply by cosmo *GLOMPZZ*