personally, I'm not a huge fan mostly, but i do lean towards it, kind of because its a little bit of all i can get in regards to alt generally, but I'm interested to hear others' thoughts!
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Opinions on e-kids?
25 Replies

Reply by Squirrel
I do think that it’s a generic alternative fashion movement and I fully support that. However I did see an unfortunate trend of people whom only got into it as a trendy pass time.
Reply by Niku Necromancy
hmm kind of in the middle.
Reply by ♰ Dhampir ♰
The ekids of today are the emos of the early 2000s. I’m just thankful kids are growing up open minded to alternative culture and not caring what people think of how they dress :P
Reply by 05spark
Hrmmm personally I'm a gen z idiot too
Reply by Korpse<3
Reply by spicy-sparklez
Not my cup of tea but otherwise I don’t mind em, I see them as a distinct subculture of their own separate from goth, emo etc. The ahegao face trend I don’t understand, though.
Reply by mcrkid666
Reply by sn0tr4t
Like som people get so mad at ekids for no reason which is just sad when most of them are just teenagers experimenting with their style
Reply by Emo_Screamo
They suck. They think they can replace us real Emo kids but they won’t. They are nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They know nothing about music.
Reply by Emo_Screamo
They suck. They think they can replace us real Emo kids but they won’t. They are nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They know nothing about music.
Reply by JJ<3
Mixed options,
When an e-kid isn't claiming to be emo or scene I really have no problem with them, I'm not the biggest fan of the style but that's not really important.
However when they want to call themselves scene just for wearing Kandi, or some equivalent for any other subculture it irks me. I don't necessarily witch-hunt these people, just block them so I don't have to be annoyed lmao
Reply by Wentz System
we've been a target of harassment by people who hate ekids (we aren't even ekids we're emo) so we're kind of on the ekids side now, people who hate ekids should go outside. emos calling people poser for not knowing about certain emo things or in the worst cases for being part of a marginalized group is actively preventing people from becoming emo so i think that it's silly to try to act like the subculture police and we should instead let people do whatever they want.
- six
Reply by XxDespairFactionAshtonxX
I honestly dont mind them. I used to have this huge hate boner for them cause I perceived them as these asshole kids appropriating the term emo while calling the emo kids of the 2000s ugly and cringe. Truth is most actually didn't say those things and actually admired the culture that preceded it. I also noticed more and more that it is more inclusive to POC than emo used to be, and it helped that they use more accessible aesthetics and even genres of music closer tied to black communities (not to say that the origins of rock music didn't come from POC either, rock was invented by a black gospel woman who had pipes of gold and a guitar), but modern day rap is the new rock n roll for POC. I want to have them have a community like we did back then where they can express their emotional side in their own unique way. As I got older, I feel less inclined to exclude and more determined to allow others to express themselves as they wish and feel a sense of belonging. I hope this makes sense.
As for the style, its not personally my thing. I think it is too minimalist for me, but if others want to do it, more power to you! I am not gonna hate on something just because I wouldnt wear it. I just like eye catching stuff like crazy ass spiky hair and retro graphic designs with loads of filagree, paint spatters, checkers, stars etc.
Reply by Possum
i think it's cute but i don't like the people that dress like that because its a trend
Reply by xxN1kk1_n@iLzxx
im mixed... will never understand the ahegao face and that head tingle thing they did tho
Reply by xX_N1ghtm4r3_P01s0n_Xx
In my personal opinion; it's a generic Alt fashion and that's not necessarily bad.
What is bad is how some try and shape already existing sub-cultures to fit that vibe (I mean... not my sort of deal, but like, I can't exactly stop you either) or using the Ahegao face (let's not get started on teens using a literal pr0n face seen in Hentai and the fetishisation of Asian people that goes with it). It's also not a "sub-culture" as it, unlike Goth, Punk, Emo, Scene etc it doesn't have a solid music that it branches off from. E-Kids will listen to pretty much anything, which doesn't help. Unless a specific genre emerges in the next few years, it is merely a sub-fashion, and as I said that's not necessarily bad.
But ultimately; if they aren't harming anyone and are having fun, who the fuck am I to judge? If they know not to cross lines that aren't theirs, then let them be. We were all kids once, exploring and having fun and discovering who we are. So if they're not dicks, just leave them to their devices. They'll figure themselves out in time.
Reply by metalnerd
Reply by x.{finn}.x
warning! i may sound blunt. i do not intend to be mean about it but im just sayin it how it is
its just a fashion trend inspired by mall goth and a year later most if not all people who were doing it stopped because it wasnt music based or politically based. hence a trend. it was also mainly a tiktok thing. it looks okay but i cant help but think of the thirst traps on tiktok when i see e kids. however i actually havent seen any since 2020. i dont personally care if people chose to dress that way, i just think people need to understand the social context of it; that its not emo or a subculture. more of sub fashion like someone else said. also how its mostly teens doing the thirst traps on public social media accounts where basically any pedophile has access to it
Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx
Reply by Sprinkle
Some are really cool but some people just did it because it was a trend and now they call them "stupid and cringe" :/
Reply by ★ravenwolf☆
☆They have Jazmin Bean
★We have Avril Lavigne
☆They have demonias
★We have knee high converse
☆They have Kuromi
★We Have Kit the Cat
both are different but kinda the same :3
☆ I personally like emo/scene more ★
Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx
Reply by kaylee_kalamity
Its definitely...a style.. but honestly as long as they don't mislabel themself as goth/scene/emo its fine by my standards. Its kinda how Trad Goth's were trying to slam Mall Goth's and Emo's for supporting businesses like Hot Topic and Spencer's Gifts because they were getting merch in a "non-authentic" way in the early 2000s. Alternative fashion just like normal fashion is shaped by our culture and for E-Kids now that's TikTok and crappy SoundCloud rappers lol
Reply by Vampiric lover 666
Reply by DamienDreadful
HONESTLY....... im in the point of life where i look at an e-kid and go "what the hell, sure." its a good thing that nowadays we can kinda... like.. get away with more in terms of being alternative, especially in the realms of fashion. honestly good on them for being themselves :3 but then again i REALLY dont get the ahegao thing though that shit is weird, along with the asian fetishization (huge ick as an asian guy).