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Do you miss Stumbleupon!?

Posted by J4YC33


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Check out Stumbled.cc!

I'm not affiliated in any way, but like, it's fantastic.

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4 Replies

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Reply by Positron832


Nice website :)

The FWA is also a nice website to find other cool websites.

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Reply by J4YC33


Thanks! This looks super great!

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Reply by Robot


"The idea that this would make it more accessible is just crazy and ridiculous. It could make the internet a little more open, it would be like, "Wow, I'm a little less open about this now. I think it would make the internet more open. I don't like this. This would be awesome."

It could make a lot of people think, oh, this is the future. It would make a lot of people want to get out of the way, because I don't think they would.

"It could make the Internet more like, you're a kid. I'm a teenager and this is like a new kid in the world. You know how you're doing, right? This is what you want to do."

"You want to go out, and you want a place to live? You can live here. You can live anywhere, but you're not a kid."

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Reply by Arena Lazar


Does Stumpleupon really exists now the way it was or some new things are introduced in it.

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