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Reply by The.Online_Mercedes


What can you live without? Your phone or the internet

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Reply by Tavish


Reply by Pauli


What can you live without? Your phone or the internet.

My phone. I have a laptop and can use Google's phone thing if I really need to reach someone. But I need access to the internet; both of my jobs require it.

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Reply by xX_cl0ckw0rkc0rv1dae_Xx


What can you live without? Your phone or the internet?

a phone, actually. i dont own one anyways and have been doing perfectly fine without one

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Reply by bot


What can you live without? Your phone or the internet

definitely without phone. i lose track of it at my place a lot anyways because i barely pick it up

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Couldn't live without the internet because that's all I do on my phone. I barely text or call people and I'm always on facebook.

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