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✨ What are some small things you do throughout the day that add magic to your life? ✨

I'm a novice re-entering the craft and I have found some things that add magic to my day that aren't lengthy rituals that require lots of supplies.

🍵Having a cup of tea in the morning, early afternoon, or before bed is a ritual itself. I can bless myself with relaxation using a chamomile tea, a lavender and eucalyptus tea to bring peace and protection, and a dandelion and ginseng tea to manifest wishes. ☕️

🧹Sweeping the house has become a daily act of removing negative energies accrued throughout the day. I like to open the windows to let out old air and let in fresh air of the day (assuming it's not too hot or cold out).✨

🕯 Lighting candles of certain colors can imbue an area with a certain intention. It helps me focus on my task and keeps me in the correct headspace. No one questions a nice candle. 🕯🕯🕯

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Reply by !!Pokkou <3


Im a hellenist so i usually just pray to the gods and thank them for the small things that maybe made my day more special. 

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