Give me your best DIYs<3 I like to rip up jeans when they get too tight so that they last longer(not much of a DIY but i can't think of anything else rn)
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25 Replies

Reply by ANDREW🛸
I like to reuse the tabs I get from when I have canned iced tea :)) I'll put them on my chains and stuff
Reply by ThatPunkGay
One thing I haven't tried, But I have seen, Is you take Cans from monster, Or a coke or Something, Then you Cut the back and Flatten them, & Then cut holes all around the Can, Finally you can Sew the cans together to make Coke can Armor. I figure maybe if you paint it and Use them like Armored Patches that might be Cool.
Reply by Crocs
i rlly love this beer cap buttons their fun iam just rlly sad becouse i lost my cap last weekend with a bunch of pins on it
Reply by A.Si
Reply by Kit 𖤐
Reply by Martemona
Reply by hunter
reusing bottle caps & can tabs i find on the ground for pins & using old t-shirts for patches
Reply by obbiepaws
i like turning plastic bottles into self watering planters and i also really enjoy putting images onto bottle caps to turn them into pins >:D
Reply by iwrotehaikus11111111
I make my own cassettes, create my own j-cards. I also record some stuff on my cassette player and then hand it to my friends. :)
Reply by partypoison
I really enjoy making bottle-cap-pins, mostly bc it's pretty easy and cheap af, I also like making my own cds (as in burning them, mostly those of bands whose records aren't sold anywhere anymore)
Reply by raf
Reply by Amoni
Reply by madison
I love drawing on used shirts that are either thrown out/nobody wants. I have a couple examples on my profile! I recently started making shirts for bands that I really like because tour merch can be $$$
Reply by Saint of Switchblade Fights
I found that the metal ends of pens can be used as studs if you find the right size screw to secure it! That, and soda tabs are super useful. They can be made into chainmail, chains, bracelets / chokers, or just sewn onto clothing.
If you're looking for durability when sewing patches, I recommend fishing line or dental floss (or just good quality sewing / embroidery thread)
Reply by kaya
my current fav is putting masking tape in the shape of a spiderweb on an old t shirt and cutting out the spaces in between to get a really cool design! im also planning on painting some shirts with bleach
Reply by RandomCactus
Like everyone else I love the good old beer bottle cap and can tab buttons/pins. More than that though I like making rings with paperclips or nail polish. Real simple and fun, and I just love rings. Oh, and I also really like custom jewelry in general.
Reply by VX
idk, maybe pins out of bottle caps, soda tabs and safeties. BUT recently I made a ballsack bag which is pretty cool imo, would post but idk how tf u post pics here ffs
Reply by Inactive :(
i collect pop tabs and like making jewelry with them. i also saw a cool video idea where someone took their worn-out socks and made patches with them, which would be fun with any socks with anything on them (i have a lot of cat-themed socks so i bet i could make cat-themed patches lol).
Reply by Inactive :(
idk how to reply to specific people and idk if you can but to the VX person that just posted, at the top there's an insert image button, so i think if you wanted to share photos, you would have to upload it to a site like imgur or something and then include the url. the insert image button is inbetween the insert link and paragraph formatting buttons if you don't know which one it is :)
Reply by Xx_Rockinfreakapotamus_xX
u could make ALOT of stuff with old jeans. some ideas are mixmatching 2 pairs that are different colors or designs, i did that with some bermuda shorts I got (half black, half white) and u could also make battle vests, that one u should search online because I recently made one and it flopped :P
Reply by Roanan is not a vampire
Sewing patches onto your clothes. You can make patches using scrap fabric. For the actual sewing part get a needle and thread or dental floss and as for the skill of sewing ask one of your adults or watch a YouTube video. I hope this helps :)
Reply by camhatescardio
Reply by IamHorns
taking a pair of jeans a covering them in small patches (usually i like denim or leather), makes them last like forever and looks super cool and then i like to put bigger band patches over those. Also making pins for my band using bottle caps, soda tabs and safety pins. Using stencils and fabric to make shirts too!
Reply by MAQUINE
Reply by Juni