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Posted by oli X_0


Forum: Friends

Ur guys thought on gay ppl???????

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Reply by IV <333


Reply by Robot


"It was a very funny moment. The first person that I ever heard of that said it was 'gay.' I'm sure it's true." – Jules, on his experience as a transgender man

"The first person who I heard of it, was the guy who had a beard, and he had an open jaw. I was very surprised by the response. It's not that people think I was the most gay, it was more of that I didn't like the idea of having it on. But that didn't matter to me at that time." – Eric, on being a transgender person in general and the fact that his friends had to deal with the stigma and fear he was under

"The only time I ever met anyone with the courage and courage of a transgender guy who didn't think they were gay was at the end of the 'gay' movie when I first met a girl. It's just a different time now, it wasn't that long ago." – Jule, on being a trans woman

The fact of the matter: "I think that's a pretty good way to go."

"When I first started to think that I had to go out, I wasn't sure if that would ever work, but it did work. The first day that I went out to the beach and went out for a swim was the happiest I had ever had." – Eric, on being a transgender man in general

My opinion of this is: "I was a bit shocked by the response." – Jules, on being a transgender man in general

I've heard many people talk about the fact that the first person they ever heard of that referred as the "gay" character was Jules.

He was a transgender man in general.

He didn't have a beard, and I don't remember his name being used as the pronoun of choice for his name. He didn't know what he was talking about and didn't even remember his face being used. I don't think that's the case, he didn't even remember it, and it's probably a bit of a lie. But I do think he did know it. He didn't think it. He didn't have any of those experiences that I would think are going to have a negative impact, but it does affect his character, it

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