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i wanna know - do you make new year's resolutions?? and do you stick to them??

i usually don't do resolutions so much as i just do a lot of self-reflection and remind myself of the kind of person i'm trying to become. but i think this year i'll do at least one real resolution!

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27 Replies

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Reply by Jinnicide


Yeah, I usually have a few. Though lately I consider them to be more like actual goals.

One of my personal (non-career_ goals for next year is to stop taking phone pictures and only use my DSLR, even for stupid shitty things. I figure, if it's not worth the hassle of using the monster camera to take and amazing picture with (and everything you have to do to it afterwards), then it isn't worth taking a picture of at all.

In the past (2013?) I made a resolution to read 50 books that year. I only hit 45, but I've been doing every year ever since (and keeping them all logged).

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Reply by eva ๐Ÿ›น


yes! i made a blog post about my resolutions, but they're kinda things i'm already doing and have interest in

i've tried to make reading or studying a language resolutions before but those have never stuck for me!

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Reply by Thegrubman


I feel that making new years resolutions, (while beneficial), can have a bit of an unintended self sabotaging inclination with some. I tended to make over estimates of what I could do when I was younger, however things have changed with age! I just think priorates are better executed of you take action now! Just my opinion :D

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Reply by Toneia


Yeah, I create a vision board, then I put it as my phone screen saver and usually X's things off throughout the year as I get them done.ย 

I think it helps me to keep focused on what I desire and usually I feel more accomplished at the end of the year because of it.

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Reply by Time Spinner


Dieting.ย  I've done about as much as exercise and willpower alone can do, now I have to see about getting some better stuff put in.

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Reply by Junky Punky Patrick


Definitely working out more consistently, going out and seeing the world (if the pandemic ends)

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Reply by aShLฤ—¥ ๐ŸŒธ


I usually donโ€™t do resolutions but for some weird reason this year I really feel the need to. I think itโ€™s due to all the craziness but regardless Iโ€™m here for it ! Also Happy New Year ๐ŸŽŠย 

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Reply by Z. Temple


i haven't really ever had one before but this year mine is to quit smoking cigarettes.
i want to try and draw more because i have seriously fallen off the artist wagon -_-; but eh..motivation and inspiration goes and sometimes it will come only to go shortly after arriving T-T

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Reply by ~*~Coral~*~


I'm the same, I don't usually make resolutions other than that I hope to try to make the next year better than the last! It didn't really work out in 2020 haha but I think I made the best out of a bad situation.ย 

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Reply by LuckyRedAsian


Haha my New Years Resolution was generated by a friend that was really drunk. That was to listen to the First Album of TOOL and technically I did since that is Undertow. It is their EP, Opiod that I don't resonate with. But I gave it a try in exchange that he listens to the whole discography of Arctic Monkeys.ย 

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Reply by electroslag


Last year I made two resolutions. One was to stop shopping at Amazon, the other was too stop eating fast food. I was pretty successful with both of them!!ย 

This year I want to try sewing my own clothes. At least a couple outfits

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Reply by Jake


My ideal goal I think is to maybe consider something like possibly doing something similar to create/design a relevant piece, partially related to maybe something soon, hopefully by next week if all goes to plan!

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Reply by Versaci boi


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Reply by Tyler


โ€œHe who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a godโ€ โ€“ Aristotle
So basically dyeing your hair makes it obviousย you hate yourself and my quote means nothing.

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Reply by James Bosley


Live, Love, Laugh!๐ŸŒผ

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Reply by ANALYSSA.


I never usually make set resolutions but right around the New Year I like to sit and reflect on the goals I reached the year prior and the next steps I want to take for the future. This coming year I want to triple my business income.ย 

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Reply by spencer


I've transitioned to quarterly goals and it's much more manageable and achievable but still long-term enough that you can set relatively big goals. I usually set resolutions then turn them into quarterly goalsย 
e.g. "learn german" as a resolution becomes "quarter 1: work on speaking" and I spend the quarter doing a lot of italki lessons, "quarter 2: reading" and I spend the quarter focusing on reading (maybe set a goal of books/pages/frequency so I get better at that etc.

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Reply by spencer


I've transitioned to quarterly goals and it's much more manageable and achievable but still long-term enough that you can set relatively big goals. I usually set resolutions then turn them into quarterly goalsย 
e.g. "learn german" as a resolution becomes "quarter 1: work on speaking" and I spend the quarter doing a lot of italki lessons, "quarter 2: reading" and I spend the quarter focusing on reading (maybe set a goal of books/pages/frequency so I get better at that etc.

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Reply by ivan05


eat more blueberriesย 

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Reply by adam


one of my goals for this year was to work on gaining confidence to play my guitar in front of others. will i follow through with it? probably not, but we never know.

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Reply by ♥cherryโ˜ข


I need to stop spending money on unnecessary shit

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Reply by ottomoth



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Reply by sadking


The person below me is not funny.

My resolution is to 100% a game and AHH I HAVENT DONE IT YET AHHH

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Reply by POLAะฏIS45โœฎ \m/


my first new yearโ€™s resolution is to learn how to skateboard! i started practicing in november by riding up and down my street and i went from not knowing a think to being able to turn without falling!! well i still fall sometimes but i fall when iโ€™m not skateboarding lol. my other one is to practicing my drumming more so me and my friends can make music! itโ€™s always been a dream of mine to have a band and my two best friends got guitars for christmas so we can call play together!! also just being more loving towards myself and controlling my emotions better but thatโ€™s something iโ€™m always trying to work on.

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Reply by Wisenheimer


End itย 

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Reply by Bea


being kinder and loving deeply!! also perfecting a skincare routine and getting better at makeup and loving my body :]

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Reply by RobinDotNet


I stopped doing resolutions years ago because I don't stick to them, but I am more likely to stick to a goal if I make it randomly throughout a year. I have a streak of 136 on duo lingo because sometime last year I decided I wanted to learn Spanish.

If I had to give any advice it would be to reflect often and just do what you want to do. Don't wait until some arbitrary date to get on with your life.

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