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how often do you practice and what apps do you use, if any?

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Reply by Buraiden Gai


depends! At this point, direct focused studies aren't common (i like using duolingo and a free anki card app for that) but I'm always practicing as my job requires constantly working w japanese and learning more

to add: what I do is research obscure anime merch and things related to that, most of which has very little to no english info.  deepl (translator that has a handful of languages) and jisho (online jp dictionary) are godsends

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Reply by SPR1NKL3Z DA SC3N3 K1D


I try 2 practice daily lolz, and I use duolingo :3

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* i practice a lot , almost every night . right now im focusing all my energy into becoming completely proficient with both hiragana + katakana , and after that im planning on using immersion learning techniques + lessons

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Reply by Richard F


Hi, these last few months I've been using wanikani to learn Kanji/Vocab/Radicals and it has been good so far. I try to log in and do the reviews everyday and the lessons every few days since I don't want to be overwhelmed by the reviews.

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Reply by ✰★tordenn★✰


been using the language transfer app to learn german and it's been amazing! little recorded lessons to listen and respond to-- i usually listen while doing housework or painting. i like it heaps more than duolingo, i feel that they care more about grammar and explain sentence structure really well, rather than duo's method of giving you vocabulary and throwing you into the deep end constructing sentences right away without any of the grammar rules.

always looking for more free apps or free videos if anyone has any in mind :)

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Reply by taotm07


I use ankidroid to learn words and i watch youtube occasionally

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Reply by Nyeinsu


..... does listening to your bias host his radio show counts? bc that's the most practice I can do these days lol. I watch YouTube a lot too. 

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