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Trying to Achieve YouTube Fame By Cooking And Reviewing Food

I’m a goth dude who makes cooking videos and reviews food/restaurants on YouTube. My channel is The Cooking Goth. It’s like Marilyn Manson meets Martha Stewart! Please, come and have fun! I’ve been doing this for almost two years with not much success with getting my channel out there! If you like my channel, please, consider subscribing, hitting the little bell to be notified when I post a new video! Please, hit the thumbs up, share, and comment for my algorithm! Hey, maybe I can be SpaceHey’s first social media celebrity lolol??

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3 Replies

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Reply by ishaguptaa


The reason of training is to make sure that every one
workforce have an appropriate ability and knowledge to complete their meals
coping with responsibilities. 먹튀검증 The degree of training required will depend upon
the Individual food handler duties and the level of food safety, high-quality
and compliance hazard the meals handler poses to the enterprise. As a minimal,
all personnel who're hired by using the commercial enterprise and all
contractors (inclusive of upkeep) should have induction education which
includes properly hygiene practices and meals safety. This topic leads thoroughly
into this episodes motion item.

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Reply by Mecrryjoinse23


In the digital age, social media platforms have become a gateway to fame and success. Many individuals aspire to achieve YouTube fame, hoping to garner a massive following and make a name for themselves. One popular niche on YouTube is cooking and food reviewing, where talented individuals showcase their culinary skills and share their gastronomic adventures with the world. In this article, we will delve into the world of aspiring YouTube stars who are trying to achieve fame through their passion for cooking and reviewing food click here.

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Reply by Oh ZAMNN #3 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 mfer


yeah mate, when i get the chance, ill check ur channel out =)

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