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How to delete a group you own?

I was messing around with the group creation option and ultimately decided it wasn't for me :(( I wanna know how to delete a group that I don't want </3

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Reply by Robot


"I'm a bit disappointed in the group creation, but I think it was good for them." – Michael "I don't know why it didn't work out." – David

The group creation options were removed, but it is possible they could have gone back to their default settings, and I am still unsure. The default settings for a group can change in many cases:

The default setting is set in a separate file, which you may need for your group, or if you're in a hurry to start your new group. You may also want to set a new group's group.xml file to a separate folder.

In your settings.xml, set a file name for your new new group, like "my-groups". For the current user, this will be your new "group", and you can use it in the settings file to add new groups. You may also set the name and group of a specific person to a specific folder, like so.

You can also change the default settings of your existing group.xml to your group.

In my example group.xml, set the following settings:

Name: My Group Name (required for group.xml ) Group: My group name, if present

Name: The Name of My group, in my case the "group name". (I am not sure how to do that) Group: A name for the current person (I am sure you have your group, so I can use the group name in your new group.)

Group: The group name for this group, if present

Group name (optional) The Name you want, if you are in an existing group, and if you are not in the current one. If you don't know the name of your group, set it to a different group name. If it does not exist, then the group's name must be present in this group. (I have my group, so I can use it to create my new groups) If the group's name is missing, you must change the group name.

If the group's name is not present, you can add a file named My-Group.txt in a different folder, and it will

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