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Basically a rant

Posted by Caspien :: Julian


Forum: General

I'm not trying to be transphobic or homophobic but I swear there's way too many flags. THERE'S LIKE 10 DIFFERENT FLAGS FOR ENDOSYSTEMS AND THEY AREN'T EVEN APART OF LGBTQ+ AND PLUS THIS FLAG IS TRYING TO VALIDATE THEM. There's flags for topics that aren't even apart of pride. Like I swear I saw a 9 year old make a flag for loving DNF. BRUH WHY DREAM NOT FOUND. And there's a flag for only being interested in hairy men while also being a guy. That's just gay but you only have a certain interest in someone. I've seen like 18 flags that literally explain the same exact thing. There's flags for sexual feelings towards bees, pedophiles, female pedophiles (2 different flags), water, trees, flowers, and animals. Like, what? /gen - host

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Reply by Zeexel


Homie they're just colors on a rectangle-shaped image, calm down

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