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Introductions ! [pinned]

Hello everyone and welcome to the pearl spice gyarusa, the place to hang and talk about gal!

Here is where you can introduce yourself e.g (Name, Age, Fave Substyles) 

I hope you enjoy ur time here :o))

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Reply by rinnie


I’ll start the intro chain, 

Hi i’m Cereza! I’m trans, black, and gay.

I follow many substyles but the most notable of mine is actually: yamanba

I’m also a big fan of scene and emo fashion

that’s all for now, Bye!!

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Reply by mewp2002


Heya I'm melomemo! I'm a 19-year old art student that lives in Manchester, UK.

I take inspiration from so many styles that I couldn't actually stick a label onto myself XD I love substyles such as gyaru, shironuri, 90s/Y2K, kawaii, cyber goth and traditional Japanese style.

I'm also on Instagram under @melo002.jpg if you wanna check it out! <3

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