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Retro Gaming Fun

Posted by KiethBlackLion


Forum: Games

When I refer to retro gaming, I'm not talking about these modern systems emulating the old games (like the Switch having old NES and SNES games online, or those classic mini systems that you can buy). I'm talking about the genuine, older game systems. 

I recently bought an upscaler so that I could hook up my old game systems up to my modern tv. I've been playing my PS2 heavily; particularly my old Mobile Suit Gundam games (I'm currently replaying MS Saga: A New Dawn). 

Anyone else periodically take out their old game systems and play through their library? I still have my NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, PS1, PS2, and Sega Genesis.

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Reply by XennialDad


I have several “retro gaming” consoles, including portables/handhelds. I LOVE older video games.

I’m currently my OG Xbox (recampaigning Halo 2) or my PS2 (Star Wars The Force Unleashed) when I have the time. 

The market is pretty sweet for PS2 stuff, right now. I’ve been getting a lot of really good scores, well under market value in my local FB marketplace buy, sell, trade groups. 

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Reply by John W


I am currently playing gta 3 on the ps2. The console is slightly before my time, so it's actually my first time playing the game. It's hard compared to gta 5, but amazing.

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