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Who's have forseen this?

Christ, this was a bit of a slap in the face. Old school MySpace 1.0 clone that's actually seeming successful??? I met some of my first furry friends back in like 2001 on MySpace, this is pretty nostalgic and has me feeling all sorts of emotions. FaceBook be damned, too many bots and shitty mobile game ads!

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Reply by Pandora Morgan


totally ! I'm tired of facebook lol and Im happy to have ye olden myspace back since the original when down the drain ! 

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Reply by NosyCat


Yeah, this could be fun. Never caught the MySpace era back in the day, might as well try now. Just got to find my bearings in a new place.

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Reply by AngryPoptart


It'll definitely get more interesting as more people discover this re-creation.

Honestly I'm all for Facebook getting its invasive teeth kicked in. It's so obnoxious trying to use it anymore. I'll have friends reach out and be like "oh yea, last week I went on a hike, didn't you see my post?" no, I didn't, because Facebook algorhythmically pushed it down to show me trashy political articles instead.

I didn't use MySpace 1.0, but I did use myspace back in like, 2009. This version is definitely a good bit different from what I remember using, but I'm totally here for it.

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