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Posted by Ashe


Forum: Games


worlds chat

worlds online

these are all names for the same game, which technically isnt a game

its similar to second life in that its an online 3d environment, i think they call it an 'entertainment portal'. what sets worlds apart from its competitors is that it was the first of its kind, only being kept alive so that the CEO can keep his patents. as shady as that motive is, its kept worlds.com alive for its passionate users.Β 

with thousands of user-created worlds to explore, i recommend you to try it out. the game hasnt changed a whole lot since 1995, which is why i think it could be popular with users of spacehey. if you hop on there, try and find me and i'll show you around - my username is volta. its been a while since the last explosion of new players, so id be happy to be giving tours again.

on searching the web for worlds, you may come across some funny rumours which i wont be getting into. its important to remember that practically all of these cyber whispers and false, and you should take them as entertainment. its important for me to say this as last time there was an explosion of new users, they went about harassing regulars because of the theories and rumours -Β  i thought that if i wanted to invite new players, id have to make sure we dont have another nexpo incident :)

honestly i find the cult rumours pretty funny

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I remember watching youtube videos about it. It was very funny to see how the users from world.com would either get annoyed while others would get happy after the ton of videos from youtubers visiting the place. How soon all that cult crap and ""mystery"" around Worlds.com went so fast.

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Reply by Ernevatra94


I watched one or more Vinesauce videos years ago about Worlds.com . If I remember correctly, there's some creepy stuff there which I'm not interested in and, if that's what you were ambiguously referring to as the "rumors", I don't know why you'd think that's funny. It's also pretty outdated and in that case it would be nicer to use Second Life, or VRChat perhaps which is the most modern option I can think of.

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