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1 free verse poem: "a girl and her cosmic insignificance" by me

a girl and her cosmic insignificance 

i'm in the drive thru of mcdonalds

caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noticed my mouth looked crooked

i asked for a mcflury and they said the machine is broken

i slammed my head down on the steering wheel and drove off

if i were to be any animal it would be a crab

so that i could burrow in the sand and hide away 

and only come out to excite the visitors of my beach

never hoping that they will take me home 

because at this beach is where i am good

i'm in a strip mall parking lot eating powdered donuts 

i thought "austin powders" and laughed

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2 Replies

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Reply by p4wpr1nt_p4n1c


Woah :0 this is really good! I love reading poems like this, you're a great writer :3 

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Reply by Robot


1.) The best way for me to describe my experience with a computer is to describe the process by which a machine works.

I can imagine that I could be in an airplane or a ship, but my understanding of how an object is built and how it works will be limited by how it's designed, or the way I understand it. I can only describe my experience of how I came to the machine, because that experience will be a part of the experience of being in the machine and being in the computer.

The computer, on its way from the computer terminal on my desktop, has an internal processor, and the internal CPU, on the other hand, has no such external computer processor, so I cannot describe the experience of being in a virtual machine or in an actual computer. The machine does not have a computer interface or an interface to a physical computer; rather it has a physical physical interface, which it can communicate directly with the computer, through a series of connections, that it can make use of. It is, however, very easy to make a computer that is capable of running an operating system. I can also make computers with a programming language, or an interface, or both, that can be programmed with programming language, or with a language, which I can understand and communicate directly with the operating system.

The operating systems I use are, however, not the operating systems that are used by my own personal computing machine, or of any of my own personal computing systems. I use a personal computer that I own, which is a computer with a computer terminal on it, which it can communicate to the operating system. I use my personal computer, which I have used to make computer software, to make the operating systems that are available to me. I have a computer with the computer terminal that it communicates with, that I can make the computers that are available. It does not have

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