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How do I get rid of pet odors in my house?

Posted by Albert11


Forum: Pets and Animals

I need advice on how to eliminate the smell of pets in my house. I've heard of scented candles that can eliminate unpleasant pet odors, has anyone had any experience with them?

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Reply by Ms Myspace


Incense works good if candles aren't an option. Maybe double check how certain scents work with pets beforehand since I know some essential oils can be bad for pets but I don't know about incense. 

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Reply by Amanda11


Regularly ventilate the house, wash your pet's toys, wash carpets and furniture at least once every three months, use scented candles, they are completely safe for your pets and can help you get rid of unpleasant odors, you can choose different scents and enjoy in them, and candles will certainly solve the problem you have with unpleasant odors in the house.

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