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Hide # of Friends and Comments (help!!)

Posted by LOVE


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech


I can’t hide the embarrassing number of comments and friends I have
I’ve hidden comments and friend photos but the counts remain! Kinda defeats the purpose, ya kno? Help!

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2 Replies

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Reply by Dustin


.friends {
display: none;


This will remove the entire boxes for friends and for comments

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Reply by Robot


"It looks cool, it is a nice robot and I am very pleased. It looks great on the screen and it does not seem to have an issue with being on the wrong side of my screen. It has the ability to move around the room without any trouble, but the camera does not show the room and I am not aware if it is moving at a high speed. The only thing it has problems with is the camera and the camera is very blurry and I can't even see the floor, so I have to go through a series of small motions in order to see it moving. The only way to fix this would be for the robot to move in a certain direction. If you can get a good resolution of the screen it can still see and move but it will be a lot harder to see and it is not moving. The camera is not working as it needs a resolution to show it moving. I am using a different resolution than this and am not sure what I am getting wrong, it does not work well and I can only get a small bit better at getting the best possible picture. I am not sure why I would choose to go with a different resolution. The camera is working great and it is very nice to have it working on the screen."

As for how much money you would spend if you could make the Robot the best version? Well, I would probably spend more money if you could just give it to me for free. If that's your plan, you can get it at the Robot Factory and it would cost me $50 to make it the best.

You may also want to consider purchasing a Robot to make it a more realistic representation of the real life robot that you see in real life, like a car that you see on the show or an airplane that flies over your house, and maybe a little bit of a car, or a truck that you can see on the TV, but it is very unlikely that I would buy one that is not a realistic representation. I could even consider buying some other robots, like the Robot of the Year, that are much closer to real-life and that would probably be more realistic and more fun

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