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How to hide friends && make comments into a scroll box?

I remember on myspace you could hide your friends from your profile. You could also turn your comments into a scroll box. Does anybody have any idea how to do this?

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8 Replies

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Reply by missodessa


This will hide your friend box.

.friends-grid {
    display: none;

This will put your comments in a scroll box

.friends {
    overflow: scroll;
    overflow-x: scroll;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    height: 300px; 

There may be other elements that still need to be hidden

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Reply by Ⓙⓐⓜ


does anyone know how to hide the friend space border/divider and the number of friends listed? like that whole section 

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Reply by 𝕔 𝕣 𝕪 𝕪 𝕓 𝕓 𝕪 ♡


Does anyone know how to delete the rest of the box ? SOSOSOSOS

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How can I hide all comments? x

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Reply by Cove


This will get rid of your friends and comments entirely. I just guessed based on someone’s code for turning comments into a scroll box with someone’s comment about hiding friends and it got rid of everything when i combined both. 

.friends-grid {
    display: none;

.friends {
display: none;

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Reply by Cove


This will get rid of your friends and comments entirely. I just guessed based on someone’s code for turning comments into a scroll box with someone’s comment about hiding friends and it got rid of everything when i combined both. 

.friends-grid {
    display: none;

.friends {
display: none;

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Reply by Alex Robi


Where do you paste this?

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Reply by Briel


The objective is to build and enhance your own planet. Clicking to gather resources is essential for upgrading the planet in planet clicker. The aim is to create a more vibrant and sustainable world.

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