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Recurring Dreams

Posted by gYromAncY


Forum: Dreams Group

These are known to many of us, but sometimes we can go years without any common recurrences. Do any of you have any recurrence of certain dreams?

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Reply by Right Side


I dream a lot about when I was in high school, and it always seems to be the same few people I dream about. 

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Reply by gYromAncY


Many of my recurring dreams are surreal. They never particularly feature me or familiar memories, or, if they do feature me, they’re set in a hotel that doesn’t exist, a lake I’ve never visited, and start calm before becoming more and more exaggerated.

Likewise, I dream about the same few people, only four or five people seem to feature - of those, three I’ve known well, and two are people from my imagination/subconscious.

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Reply by Right Side


That's interesting. It's weird how people tend to dream about the same few people, despite meeting tens or even hundreds of thousands of people throughout a lifetime.

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Reply by Ghvst


I know this is an old post but I thought I'd share and old reoccurring dream of mine that disappeared suddenly. 

In my dream I was a cop/detective or some type of federal agent investigating the murder of a guy who looked a lot like a friend of mine but older (this was before I met said friend) I forgot a lot of the investigation bit but the part that still sticks with me is the part where I'm in a winter environment and I enter an underground bunker, I'm investigating the bunker when someone on my team tells me the person I'm looking for planted a bomb in the bunker. I panic and try and evacuate everyone. In my rush I don't register the fact that I saw some guys in one of those helmet things with the spikes from ww2 (I think it was ww2) I manage to get everyone out but I was the last person to escape when the bomb explodes so I get hit in the back by the explosion. The dream always ends with me on a stretcher having an out of body experience.

Very weird dream that had a few parts to it but any continuation of the dream never repeated.  

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