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Newbie photography tips??

I recently bought a Nikon coolpix B500, and I really want to be able to take professional pics. Anybody have any tips and suggested software to use to edit photos?

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Reply by Henri


Watch YouTube videos that explain the basics, don't buy courses. Just try, see what works and what doesn't, and never give up.

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Reply by Henri


Watch YouTube videos that explain the basics, don't buy courses. Just try, see what works and what doesn't, and never give up.

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Reply by Grumpy


If that camera can shoot in manual, transition to that quickly.  It'll help you gain control and understand how light impacts your images. You need to understand the exposure triangle to bring your photos from simple snaps like from your phone to something akin to art.

Then get a dslr or mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses for the next level of control. 

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Reply by Puejography


You should learn at first how to manage the shutter speed, aperture and iso at first, what different effects they have and how you can use it to get different pictures. Also it helps to train your eyes, just sit down anywhere and discover how light works, how light effects the people walking around and stuff like that, if you have direct questions just send me a message :) or post them here. I am always happy to help :) 

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Reply by Ember Ashes


Take photos all the time. Of anything and everything and start learning editing. Edit the same photo a million times to learn how you like it and how to edit

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Reply by 🔱-MrStan-🔱


Remember all the good photos you see are edited extremely much. So if you think that the picture is overexposed for example you can always edit that out. And with AI technology you can even edit out obstacles like trees or benches. Also, remember it's not the camera that makes a good photograph it's the cameraman(or woman) if you don't believe me search up "caon eos 5d mark 1" it's an almost 20-year-old camera that takes pictures indistinguishable from modern cameras. 

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