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Any Mothman Enthusiasts or Researchers Present?

My primary research when it comes to the paranormal is ghosts and hauntings.  But I'm also interested in the cryptid known as Mothman.

For those that may not be familiar with Mothman, the creature was first spotted  in Clendenin, WV on November 12, 1966 by a group of gravediggers .  However it is most known for it's appearances in Pt. Pleasant, WV beginning three days after the Clendenin sighting.

On November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point Pleasant—Roger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallette—told police they saw a large grey creature whose eyes "glowed red" when the car's headlights picked it up. They described it as a "large flying man with ten-foot wings", following their car while they were driving in an area outside of town known as "the "TNT Area", the site of a former World War II munitions plant.

The sightings continued around Pt. Pleasant for the next year. Then they mysteriously stopped with the collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15, 1967. The bridge collapse killed 46 people.

Mothman has been seen around the world, often at times just before a disaster occurs. He was allegedly seen at the Chernobyl Disaster site days before it happened for an example. 

There was a sighting in Colorado in 2013. And a couple of more sightings in the Pt. Pleasant, WV area a few years back.

I personally have travelled to Pt. Pleasant, WV several times researching the Mothman. I believe the folks saw something; but what that something was, I do not know. Some believe it was alien related. Others believe he was part of a Native American curse, Others believe it was a mutated bird.  I'm not sure what Mothman was to be honest. But I find it interesting.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


I find it very fascinating and I don't believe it is a mutilated bird. I think most people are able to distinguish between a bird and a flying humanoid with red glowing eyes. I've heard that some shadow people have red eyes. Interesting parallel and perhaps the two are related. I appreciate you sharing that with the group. 

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Reply by Bacon 🥓


Would be cool to check out, but I'm all the way in AUS xD

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Reply by Joe Clark CGH


There are some good "Mothman" documentaries out there.

"The Mothman Chronicles: https://vimeo.com/231320546...

Monsters And Mysteries In America - The Mothman
Unsolved Mysteries - The Mothman Episodehttps://vimeo.com/397840550...

From 2009, here is a "Mothman" episode of Paranormal USA. I had to upload it in 2 parts for some reason.
The Legend Of Mothman documentary 2017
"In Search of the Mothman"
Evil Encounters ~ The Legend Of Mothman ~
MOTHMAN: America's Creepiest Urban Legend
Also, If you have Amazon prime, the Small Town Monsters films "The Mothman Legacy" and "The Mothman of Or. Pleasant" are both available free right now. I would recommend that you watch the Mothman of Point Pleasant" first and then watch "the Mothman legacy."

Another really good one is "Eyes Of The Mothman"
Also if you have DiscoveryPlus or have SlingTV, Shock Docs has a really good one entitled "The Mothman Sightings"

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Reply by theo


do you know where in CO the mothman sighting in 2013 was? just wondering because i'm in CO and if it's near me i might bike out to where the sighting was with some friends-

i don't know much about mothman but i wanna learn more, especially because that's the nickname my band friends gave me lol

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Reply by Joe Clark CGH


The Colorado Mothman Sighting was in Greeley, CO. 

Mothman Sighting In Colorado

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