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Inceldom, True Forced Loneliness, Blackpill, Loveshy, etc.

What are your thoughts on this social phenomenon? Do you think that it is harder for average to above-average men to find women in the current dating climate?

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Reply by Miyan


i gen think blackpill men are annoying asf, and as someone who unluckily went on a popular incel forum out of curiosity, it's no wonder that women don't want them. i legit saw most of the incels fantasizing about SA, or just being bigoted. but, tbh i think they are just mentally unwell, which kind of plummets them into whatever rabbithole that inceldom is. or those alpha dudebro podcasts, like andrew tate.

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Reply by Seth


I think it's half self-fulfilling prophecy (guys see themselves as unlovable, so they become just that) - and the other half is just an unfortunate side effect of everything being digital and less IRL.

Hear me out - there is a growing problem in male friend groups where absolutely none of the men know any women - and what's more they have no clue where to go to find women and even then they have no clue how to talk to them in any "real" capacity.

Back in ye-olden-days you could still bag a woman if you were ugly as sin - still can but it's hard for most guys to even locate women. Back when my parents were growing up they had events and common meeting places that adults - not kids - would go and hang out at - not just bars, there were countywide events, local businesses (herein defined as within a 30 mile radius) that everyone HAD to go to for one reason or the other, and so on and so forth. Those just don't exist in any capacity the way they used to.

Basically put, for most guys nowadays the only women they see that they'd have any shot with - that's not counting getting with them that's counting being within speaking distance, a missed shot is still a shot - were in high school. They hit adulthood and think they missed every shot imaginable - and the sad part is, sometimes they're right.

You wanna get rid of incels? Bring back IRL communities and meeting places - mandate some level of disconnect in business and commerce that will force people to meet other people and not stay cooped up in their rooms all day as adults. You'll also remedy the "I have no friends and I'm angry about that" mentality that's comorbid with a lot of these guys.

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Reply by Ninetails2000


The movement in general always came off as one of
those "Learned Helplessness" kinds of things. Where they never
learned actual coping skills and were instead lead to believe that it
was everyone else's fault when they would fail. That along with a strong
indesire(Is that a word?) to change in any way due to feeling safe as
they are. Seeing them in action is equal parts cringe and genuinely
upsetting. They're such broken individuals who are often one epiphany
away from self-awareness but then they always pull back just before the
eureka moment.

Somewhat related, A few
years ago I became friends with an older guy who subscribed to MGTOW.
Like, the actual original ideal of the movement which was more along the
lines of "Men who don't want to subscribe to the typical male
expectations of seeking out women to have relationships, get married and
have kids." The way he explained his perspective did have some of the
rumblings of incel-dom and misogyny to it but mostly it ended up being a
desire for homosexual and/or homoromantic relationships tamped out by a
lifetime of religious internalized homophobia. Unfortunately I lost
track of him a while ago and with his age, I'm concerned he may have
passed away.

Looking at things from his perspective makes me wonder if
some of these people who subscribe to these extreme ideals are also
struggling with alternative interests/lifestyles that are being struck
down and suppressed by a self-destructively strong desire for

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Reply by fwed


blackpill is just a new covering for nihilism. 

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Reply by 1funeral2many


“There is no such thing as a friend zone, it’s called being a little bitch” - filthyfrank

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Reply by Melgor


Ramm so goddamn true

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Reply by Ramm


Regarding the second question: no.

Regarding the former: "true forced loneliness" isn't real, and "inceldom" must be clearly defined as an ideology, and not a purely sociological descriptor. The vast majority of virgins do not classify themselves as "incels" and nor should they, because in the public consciousness, "incel" refers to adherence to a specific ideology, rooted in pseudoscience, that claims to "explain" their circumstances. Anyone who identifies with that term is understandably and rightfully assumed to identify with the accompanying ideology.

Incel ideology itself is bunk, rooted in sociological illiteracy, appeals to emotion, and an inability to critically read or interpret academic literature. Findings that only apply to mainstream dating apps (and even then not to the extent that is claimed) are divorced from context and applied to the offline world where they do not apply. Concepts such as hypergamy (which is actually in decline) are misrepresented as omnipresent. Like all extremist ideologies, incel "thought" (I use that word generously) depends on isolation from the "othered" demographic in order to seem plausible to its converts. Islamophobes and nationalists rarely interact with Muslims. Terminally online conservatives and "libertarians" who think that their ideological opponents are all blue haired, screaming 18 year old community college students actively avoid meaningful interactions with their rivals, except to straw man and gish gallop. The fallacies of irrelevance flying around on this website's politics forum is an example of this. (You all know who I'm referring to if you've been there)

Likewise, the spread of incel ideology depends on the targets for recruitment being isolated from the "other" that it seeks to dehumanise - women.

When we look at the academic literature on the subject, we see that for those who do get sucked into this ideology and adjacent ideologies, that social isolation more broadly is the main stressor. Not only are the targets for recruitments chronically single, they are frequently friendless and unemployed as well, and frequently suffer from undiagnosed/unaddressed mental health issues, such as, for example, clinical depression. The ideology fuels this because the depressed brain latches onto it as ammo to use against the will, further trapping the person in this state. This also makes it harder to evaluate the claims of the ideological adherents critically.

I would advise anyone consuming such content to block it, avoid interacting with others who reinforce the ideology, do anything you can to get a job if you don't have one, and to avoid websites where the ideology spreads, such as 4chan and Reddit. Work on making platonic friends and strengthening existing connections before even thinking about dating - walk before you can run. And if any part of you still believes in the "blackpill" - do not date. Seek therapy.

Regarding the "true forced loneliness" part - there is only loneliness. That is, the absence of connection. Loneliness is a broader sociological problem affecting the bulk of Generation Z, regardless of characteristics, but even so, resources are available.

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Reply by Jack



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Reply by Sagittarius Jones


First i wanna say that I agree with Eros.

Secondly, i don't think it's hard for them, no, lol. I think a lot of people just don't have a good attitude or approach to dating.

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Reply by hydrangea


as someone who used to subscribe to the thought of "the blackpill" its more mental than anything. a lot of men specifically fall into a rabbithole of hate and its hard to move past it. as far as dating goes, its really a right place-right time for most. however, it seems many put too much force on having a relationship rather than finding themselves and letting a relationship come naturally.

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