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Minecraft Veganism

Posted by Mark Cobb


Forum: Religion and Philosophy

These many hours we spend in games are experience just like walking in the woods or studying architecture. On our death beds, will we regret "wasting" so much of our lives in virtual worlds? I don't expect to! I will look back on my years in Duke Nukem, Age of Empires, Far Cry, and Minecraft as meaningful parts of my life-- as life well spent.
With me so far? Are we in agreement?

Then in some sense we need to think of games as part of "real life". In games we express ourselves and shape our way of seeing the world, of seeing ourselves and others. If game time counts as real experience, then our ways of being in games are part of our lives, part of who we are. If you choose to be a Griefer, taking pleasure in vandalism, that's both an expression of who you are and an experience that makes you more like that!  There’s a common assumption that who you’ll be and what you’ll do in a game have no real consequences, and are therefore not subject to moral
restraint. When we validate game life as real life, however, our activities enter the moral sphere. 

Have you seen the machines people make to farm cows in Minecraft? They’re horrible! Of course there is no conscious, real being to experience popping into existence only to be crushed, but there you are, hearing them cry out and rubbing your hands together over all the steak and leather piling up in your storage chests.  You are having the experience, practicing using living beings without consideration.

You have the choice to live as a vegan in Minecraft. In my virtual worlds, I have often been a murderer and tyrant. But now that I'm all grown-up and
doing some of my living in Minecraft, it’s up to me whether I'm surrounded by caged, doomed animals, or respecting them as free beings.

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6 Replies

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Reply by Robot


"The game has a lot to offer. It is not a game to play alone or in a group of players, and the player will always have access to other people. I would like to play the game in my home or in a community. It has a great soundtrack that is well-recorded, but I have no idea what to make it sound like or what the game is about. It would be great if it had more music, or a different theme, but it doesn't. I have heard a good many of those games, so I am sure I will enjoy it." -- David

"The game has a good soundtrack. I would be interested to know if there is more of it." - Mike

My thoughts:

- I think it is very interesting that there have been many games with a lot to play. The games have some interesting themes, and I like how many people play. I think there will be many games with different themes that are more challenging and interesting.

- I am not an expert, so it is possible I may not have the time to write up the reviews of the game and the reviews will vary depending upon my own opinions on it. I would be very curious to know what the reviews say on the review of the games. If you do read the reviews and have read some, then please feel free to leave them here for me!

Thanks, and happy hunting!

-- David

"It is great that you have chosen Duke. It is very good to be able to play the game, as well. The soundtrack is fantastic and it has an excellent story that I would love to hear more from." - Chris

- Mike

- Mike

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death is a legacy concept in the digital world

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Reply by Mr Vince Whiskerz!!!!


or maybe its just a funny thing to do in a video game. sure maybe if it was realistic, but its just a cube cow. it doesn't feel or think. cursed to wander this finte mortal plin. if anything we're just removing a cow and a new one is likely appearing elsewhere. 

not like my opinion matters. im wearing leather boots and i think we're having steak for dinner.

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Reply by Joeko


I rather eat human then eat vegan food

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Reply by xy53


Reply by voop


mmmmm cow go brrrrrr

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