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Need to find obscure bands

Posted by NeoNemesis


Forum: Music

So I have a good list of obscure and old/current local bands, one I found really recently (last night) was Normal Like You. So now I'm on the search for even more, so if you guys have any to send my way, I would definitely appreciate it!

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Reply by Idyllixir


Some local/obscure bands I know of:

  • Ten Cents Short
  • Trophy Wives
  • From The Makers Of
  • Bottomfed (Mostly Bandcamp)
  • Full Body Shot
  • Sic Vita
  • Hello Atlantic
  • Dreamer & Son
  • Sonderlust
  • Tanuki/Tanooki Suit
  • Back Home (Bandcamp Only)
  • Moral Of The Story (Bandcamp Only)

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Reply by NeoNemesis


Thanks for the suggestions, Minnow! Will definitely be checking those out in the following days. Hello Atlantic sounds very familiar to me for some reason, though I may just be thinking of some other band...Hm. Well, either way, new bands! Awesome :D

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