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Soundcloud To Mp3

Posted by Mirandajane


Forum: Music

I think listening to music is my hobby. I love listening to all kind of music when I do my housework, when I do not have anything to do, or even when I have meal. I love all kinds of music; country, pop, rock and roll, and other kind of music. I am interested in hearing them because all songs bring me back my lovely memories. And they bring me energy to clean my sould. Most of the time, I love listening to music to relax my body. The music can make everything funier. Listening to some new songs is awesome. You can see the life is more beautiful. 

soundcloud to mp3

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2 Replies

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Reply by jaykstah


fyi if you want a convenient way to download mp3's, use the tool youtube-dl.'

when u have it installed you can do the youtube-dl command directly from your computer with a soundcloud link and it will download the mp3 right away without needing to paste it to a website and wait for anything on their end :)

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Reply by youtube


u want to know what the best part is? Our service is absolutely FREE! btclod

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