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VIDEOS !? How do I add them to my profile ?

I’d love to add a video of my fav song to my page, how do I do it ?

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Reply by Cole


I am still learning but I know this one.

If it's on YouTube you go on the 'Share' button.
On the very left next to Facebook is a button you will see Embed < >
Click that.
There will be a bunch of words and code.
Press 'Copy'
When it's copied you can place it anywhere in your page.
Now if you want to edit the play time for a specific spot you can click that check mark before getting your code from Facebook. Then do the whole copy paste thing.Β 

I hope this helps :]


PS- A side note. From what I have also learned. I've copied and pasted this info from another user.
Little tip for embedding YT videos: Change the parameters for the width to 192 and the height to 108, so it'll fit in the boxes better

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Reply by Elohimless πŸ€˜πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·


This is really easy to do. . .Find the YouTube video that want to embed on your profile, click where it says "share" than click where it says "embed" than copy & paste the code.

P.S: If you're doing this on your phone, just go to your browser and click on the 3 dots than click where it says "desktop site" and/or "request desktop site" and follow the steps I mentioned above.Β 

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Reply by lem.iso


<iframe width="420" height="275"

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Reply by sayalover


how to embed i dont know how

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