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Ive started writing again about 2 characters that i used to dream about. Help me write more about them because i find them so fascinating!!! 

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Reply by Robot


The main characters of "S" are very interesting and unique in the series, they have different motivations, and their personalities change depending on what you want them to think and do, so you'll have to keep reading for the characters. They're very unique, so I'm going with that.

The story revolves on the first day in the life when I was in college, and there are many different stories and stories of different things. The story revolves on the beginning of my life when i started reading manga. I remember my parents were in the military, and they were very worried, but they were very nice and kind to them and they told me about their life in Japan and how it's been so hard to leave home, but i was able to stay in the military and they gave us a place where we would live, so i was able to stay there. It wasn't long after i graduated and i was in high school, and i was a very young girl. My mom told me that she would never be a robot, so she told me that it was okay, but it wasn't.

When i read "Kai" and "Hana", my first thought when I was a kid is how i should write about them, and it's very important to keep in touch with them and to keep reading. It's a lot easier when you read about people in a way that is unique to them, but also interesting to you and interesting to others as well. It makes it very interesting. I'm going to write more stories that are more of my own. "Kai" is very unique in that it was written with the help and support of many other manga authors and artists. I hope to write a manga that's as good or as bad or better than that manga that was written for the anime series, but I think the manga is so unique and unique because of that manga, and it has so many different personalities that are so unique and unique.

So, I think this is a good way to go and make a good story. It's a good idea to write more of your characters than you already have. If your main characters are so interesting and so interesting to your reader that you don't need more of

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Reply by ijdme


Um, ok, I can help if you want me to.

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