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"The Ex-Boyfriend/Ex-Girlfriend Survey....."

Found this one:


What's your ex's name?

When did you guys hook up?

How long did you think you'd last?

If you would have had kids with him/her, what would have been their names?

Do you still love him/her?

Would you get back with them?

Was he/her your first love?

What did your parents think of him/her?

Did you get along with his/her friends?

Did he/her get along with your friends?

Why did you break up?

Was is a "Clean" Break up?

Do you still talk to this person?

If they were right in front of you what would you say tho them?

Where did you meet?

What was the best part of your relationship?

Would you be able to wake up to that face every morning?

Did your siblings like him/her?

Would you rather him/her text you, or call you?

Do you wish she/he called/texed you right now?

What are your latest thoughts of him/her?

What's your favorite memory with that person?

Remembering all that, does it make you miss them?

Now, Honestly, Do you still love him/her?Do you, huh, huh, huh????

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