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  1. Cinquains are five lines long.
  2. They have 2 syllables in the first line, 4 in the second, 6 in the third, 8 in the fourth line, and just 2 in the last line.
  3. Cinquains do not need to rhyme, but you can include rhymes if you want to.

That’s it. Just three simple rules.

Work from the last 2 syllables.

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Reply by Swampbaby



Hits me as solid brick
Stifling my neurologic

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Reply by z


firing neurons
electricity sparks
inspired to reenact my past

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Reply by Swampbaby



Or maybe just
The organic feeling
Of diving deeper than they said
I could

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Reply by Robot


"You don't have to be the best at your profession to be a good robot."

That's a good one.

But it's not a bad one, either!

If we want to get to the heart of it: how can you be good at your job? You have to work at a job you can be proud of. And, if you want, there's no reason you shouldn't.

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