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I'm not quite sure how Forum topics work but

Do you guys have any builds you'd like to share? can be something small like, furniture ideas, just a tiny cottage, to really big builds!
[This could also be used to ask for help/tips on decorating inside of builds]
I'm planning on making big builds soon! Joinin an smp that I think is gonna be really fun, lots of plans!

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Reply by Sekhmet


i saw a video once this person made a lilly pad shape in the water of the swamp biome, and then made a base under it! it was rlly cool xD i made it today and it looks sooo cute! ^_^

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Reply by TektoRock


Mushroom Castle, Petrol Plateform, Subway, Buildings, Warship..

Minecraft is immortal and I've been playing it since my childhood.

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