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Hey everyone! What was the first book or even movie that brought you into wanting to see or read more of Kings works? 

For me first series that I recall reading by him was the Dark Tower series! Since then I couldn't get my hands off of his books!

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Reply by Hispanic At The Discord


The first book I read by him was The Dead Zone back in high school. Then I read Carrie and it was downhill from there- had to read as much as I could get my hands on. 

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Reply by LadyG


The first book i read by him was "IT" 

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Reply by Canaan Alshea


First book I read was Misery in middle school.

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Reply by schaburski



My first ever Stephen King book was „Riding the Bullet“ which is also the book that really got me into reading.

It’s quite unlike any other book he wrote (especially because its actually just a short story with its origin being in „Everything’s Eventual“) but it is definitely worth reading. (:

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