Date idea you sexy emo boy from irewe should go to some old gothic locations and pretend we’d sit on the roof top and hold you close to me after walking around all night it be so good to have stair down at the moonlight misty forest below us as listening to your every breath and seeing the night wind softly rustle your gorgeous hair is everything I want …
Haaa1 1 kn0w th1s 1s an 0ld p0st but 1'm fr0m ur general area k1nda 1n mend0c1n0! 1m a trans em0 guy age 22 5'7 avg bu1ld sk1nny1sh w1th a t1ny b1t 0f muscle n 1 d0nt have any p1cs 0n my page yet u_u but 1f ur 1nterested n u add me 0r message me 1 can send s0me p1cz 0f what 1 l00k l1ek!! even 1f n0t id l0ve 2 just b fr1ends w u!!! 1tz l0nely 0ut 1n n0rcal and 1 l0ve meet1ng new ppl s0s0 much 1f ur st1ll 1n the area!!!