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What's your genre?

Posted by ƒєℓιχ


Forum: Writing and Poetry

What genre do you most like to write? Is there one you're not overly fond of but find yourself writing a lot? What tropes and themes draw you in to your genre of choice?

I've always loved horror. How it can deal with some hard hitting topics but with a layer of the fantastic that can make those subjects easier to keep at a distance while wrestling with them. Plus, a creepy creature and a bucket of blood is always fun to write. :P

I tend to dabble a little in scifi, mostly because I love stories involving AI and the question of what makes us, and any being, considered alive.

How about you?

(accidentally posted this in art and photography. Updated to move it to the right place lol)

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30 Replies

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Reply by Dirango


I write mostly fantasy centered around magic and supernatural creatures. Unfortunately, it seems no matter how hard I try, there ends up being some manner of romance involved in the plot. Right now, I've got a story I've been working on since November, and I've had luck with just keeping romance as a side plot with two side characters and the mc having more of a whimsical, unachievable romance that is more of a deus ex machina-- not my favorite thing but it seems to work. 

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Reply by Brandon G


For a long time everything I wrote tended toward the macabre but my current project I'm forcing myself away from that to stretch my muscles :) Not everything needs to be creepy!

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Reply by Anthony Taylor


My genre of choice is horror. I absolutely love it! More specifically, slasher horror. When I watched Scream for the first time (I think I was 11 or 12) I knew that's what I wanted to write about. My debut novel definitely pays homage to Scream as well as I Know What You Did Last Summer.

I agree with the OP about hitting hard topics within horror. I like having the ability to make my characters relatable.  Though they are being murdered, they have more issues going on aside from the main plotline.

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Reply by Hydra M. Star


I mostly write and publish Erotic Horror (not the same as Paranormal Romance), but I've delved into other related speculative fiction genres over the years. I even had a non-fiction column a million years ago when online magazine's were still a hot new thing that dealt a lot with folklore, sex, and...you guessed it...horror.

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Reply by Kassie


I mainly write poetry. I have a focus in docupoetry. I also write fiction/short story. 

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Reply by jean


i wouldn't say i always like to write but i often find myself always coming back to like really sad poetry about either life in general or my life personally and whatever is spewing out of my brain haha

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Reply by Gareth the Poet


I mostly focus on mythical and fantasy and questioning Faith.  Depression, overactive mind.  And the Love and Hate of women

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Reply by honor


fantasy and soft science fiction, usually.

with fantasy i usually stick to full-on fantasy with dragons and stuff, or alternate history with magic elements. sometimes it gets steampunk-y.

with scifi i just really like the settings it provides for speculative stories. i can't do hard scifi. i don't know enough science XD

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Reply by Ellyist


It's turning out to be historical fantasy, and more on the fantasy side too. Occasionally I've tried horror, but it's not a muse that prods me often. I almost wish that I could churn out creepypastas more often, if only because I want to really join in the communities the works of which I enjoy reading...and if only I'd had better ideas for sci-fi too, like one innovative device that highlights a struggle that the human condition still has, first season of Black Mirror style. 

But I don't mind historical fantasy. I like the aesthetic and the new appreciation that it lends me of how difficult it used to be to do anything back in the day, but also how—good or bad—people were and are always still just people. 

While my profile says "aspiring novelist" I most enjoy writing short stories and novellas...more like running up and down a hill on somebody's backyard lawn, rather than hiking up a mountain with an oxygen tank. 

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Reply by bob e


I write character based poetry. My main character is Matilda, the poems cover the going ons in her life. There are supernatural & magical elements in the poems. Her life starts around the year 1900 in a small seaport town, and advances till modern times. She lives in the town of Delby and many poems are about her as well as the people who inhabit her town. As of now there are over 260 poems in the series.

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Reply by Brian Palmer


I tend to write women's fiction/literary fiction, with a touch of the speculative as well. 

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Reply by Fennec Zorro DeVoss


I'm kinda in that cross over between poetry and art, using cut up technique and incorporating it into collarge.

Although I do occasionally write really bizarre stuff like at start of 2020 I was writing a religious primer for a post apocalyptic underground shame cult, and a piece about fraternity house for bio-punks which was kinda sci fi. I kinda need to get back to editing and completing them

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Reply by Cyber_Noot


I usually go for gritty sci-fi inspired stories. I like setting that linger around an apocalypse, whether pre- or post-apocalyptic. Stories about struggling to begin again pique my interests. I hope to share some stuff once I feel that it is ready to be read. My goal is to publish traditionally.

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Reply by Grayson Bell


I mostly write LGBTQ+ erotic romance. I enjoy writing a lot of BDSM kink and and I'm currently working on an omegaverse story that I'll be posting to Kindle Vella. 

I've also dabbled in sci-fi and have a novel and it's sequel written, but am in the process of rewriting them. 

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Reply by Hardcore Uvula


I love to write scifi and fantasy, often with horror elements. I find I write a lot of emotionally hard-hitting short stories with sad endings. Haha. 

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Reply by Illke


I absolutely hate horror! – but seems like I also love to torture myself since I am absolutely addicted to COSMIC horror, which I believe is one of among the hardest things to dive into when writing, and especially when filming.

Also, noir has always been one of those ''number one'' things for me, especially after spending my childhood reading Chandler and Highsmith over and over again.

I used to be a huge fantasy buff, then I gave up on it and entered the domain of ''being a grown up'' which I still stick to, although to say I don't like to read or never desire to sometimes write fantasy would be a lie. But the truth is, I guess there are way too many teenage-romance-fantasy books out there and it's hard to find a decent fantasy book that I didn't already read for hundreds of times already, so let's say I have a love-hate relationship with the genre.


I am definitely sticking with my cosmic-horror wannabe stories, I don't have a choice, it won't let me be :)

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Reply by leigh


when i was younger, i primarily wrote fanfiction (drama and erotica) and lyrics (though i'm not a musician). as i got older and practiced, i found a small niche in poetry and regular fictional prose, again in drama. now as an adult, most of my current writing is nonfictional essays pertaining to my own life, but i'm branching off into fanfiction (again, lol) just to experiment with style and themes of thriller/horror.

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Reply by Bunny._.inc


I always find myself writing sad poetry as a coping mechanism

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Reply by H I M E


Horror is my go-to genre, but my specific favorites are body horror and cosmic horror. I feel like it's a genre that tests my ability as a writer because finding the right words to really send a scene is a huge challenge. I've got a story I'm working on that involves the characters traveling through liminal spaces and just FINDING the words and figuring out how to describe...what is essentially nonsense made manifest, has been a struggle.

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Reply by Eztli


I can basically only write romance for some reason :(

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Reply by AlyssaLyn


I enjoy writing fantasy-ish.

My current work is set in 1985 in a town where children mysteriously disappear if they go into the forest that surrounds the town. The main character loses her daughter and she's not taking the cryptic "that's just how it is here" from everyone in town. She wants to figure out what happened to the kids and uncovers a pretty big secret.

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Reply by DemonAngelCat


Psychological horror with fantasy elements, I love the symbolism and dark themes and things in the psychological horror genre tend to be less reliant on gore which is a plus for me as someone with a low tolerance to gore, I like to keep things vague and mysterious and relying on strange, undefinable supernatural entities bc I just think they’re fun.

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Reply by RUE, RAMONA


I haven't done much here on spacehey, but most often what I end up making is rather fantasy-centric.

I have a whole group of stories, mostly improvised with "audience input" (typically these audiences are one other person) that ends up being SUCH a mouthful to describe. "Improvised absurdist comedy fantasy with RPG elements" like come ON. I just resolved to group them all under the title "nonsense fantasy." These are typically only shared with a few close friends, however, and most don't end up being finished. But they end up being the things I put the absolute most work into. I'm trying to write up a complete story under the Nonsense Fantasy umbrella, but...

Quite honestly, while a lot of what I write is fantasy centric, I actually struggle with actual plot. So I end up mostly doing characters and worldbuilding. I could talk for like, a half hour about gnomish biology, their life cycles, and culture.

So uh, I guess in summary, I mostly write fantasy.

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Reply by ₳†⅃ ⍲⟆ ∀₵ꙇ₫


i like writing romance with fantasy most, which iz ironic cuz i h8 reading most romance & fantazii bookz XD

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Reply by andy-matronic 🍉


I have no idea at this point! If I had to choose just one, I'd probably say fantasy. 

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I mainly write tragedy, dystopian, and fantasy (I am heavily influenced by Franz Kafka, Ray Bradbury, and Edgar Allen Poe)

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Reply by val...


Aunque nunca termino de escribir nada realmente me gustan mucho escribir respecto a la adolescencia, obviamente siempre agregando algo más, como ficción, romance, etc., pero siempre con temas que aborden la adolescencia de alguna u otra manera.

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Reply by Adonia


I write about body horror and cannibalism, but typically not literally. I use them as metaphors for oppression, girlhood, and just overall heavier topics. I think it’s a beautiful writing style to express harsher topics. Cannibalism is also an amazing metaphor for love, it really shows the raw and feral love for someone. <3

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Reply by Kez 🗡️


I like writing romance and horror/thrillers, mostly together lol. Having the couple go through something harrowing together, or adding a creepy element to one of the characters is pretty fun.

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Reply by expycer


Personalmente, a mi me encanta escribir de temas que tocan el romanticismo, la depresión, la obsesión hacia una persona y otros parecidos. Disfruto mas del genero de enemigos a amantes por la tension y como pueden llegar a cometer actos tan imprudentes por orgullo :v

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