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I hate the current state of social media

All the large mainstream platforms are run by giant corporations obsessed with constantly simplifying and “modernizing” their platforms. Despite the complaints from users every time a logo or style changes, everything unique about the platform keeps being removed, and users have less control. And, of course, censorship is a problem. People try making alternate platforms aiming to solve the errors made by the original platform, and these sites are great, but they’re either too small and almost inactive or overrun by racists. I really wish there were more great sites like this one that actually become somewhat popular while remaining similar to older platforms in their uniqueness and the freedom they give their users.

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5 Replies

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Reply by Powderonium


I feel the same, but I think the future is bright ,each day public
discomfort with big social media(Twiter ,YouTube,InstaGram,etc),
grows , and there is much more options and knowledge for the average
user than the past, and I think that the sites are growing,(even if
they are doing it very slowly).

be optimistic , just continue supporting or creating stuff that
represents the internet you would like to see.

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Reply by Ceilidh Murphy


Same. I'm jusy hopeful that more social media sites like these will pop up.

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Reply by Juan


Agreed, corporations think we're too stupid and need help reading a logo every five years and everything they design is ugly, flat and sterile.

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Reply by Hatch


Ppl need to realize that they can just make forums for free still, lol. Its literally just a slow version of Discord

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Reply by Supa Troopa


Nothing is forever. Social media will be history one day when a larger scale of people realize that it´s actually antisocial media, as the only thing they changed is making people being more egoistic, ignorant, selfish and incapable of proper real life conversation.

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