Who has had paranormal experiences
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6 Replies

Reply by badwolf
I have.
I've had many throughout my life although it would take quite awhile to remember or list them all.
Reply by Cody
I have had quite a few but the most memorable was when my parents and I had first moved into our new house. At the time I was around 10-11. It was out in the countryside on about 26 acres of land, which was mostly a forest kind of area. The house itself was great, but on the weekends when my parents would work, I would have the house to myself and I would hear things like footsteps or what sounded like doors opening and closing. It got to the point to where I would even carry a baseball bat to check each room, to ensure I was actually alone.
Reply by Paulfargeix
I remember of a Dream when i was 10 years old, in this dream, i was in a room, with a huge bed for 3 people, and next to the wall, there was a wooden chest, i opened it and discovered that inside, there was a paper with spiders drawn on it, i closed the chest and looked at the bed, and i saw a picture of my grandfather on the top of the bed, and then, i was crying on the dream bed before waking up. Few weeks later, my grandfather died at the age of 81 years old, my family had then problems with his testament because of the first wife that he had before marring with my biological grandmother.
Reply by jillian♡
I have. They were a lot more frequent when I was younger, the peak being around 6-7. My parents bought our house the same year I was born, 2008, and I don't know anything about this history of the house, so I can't say for certain if the people who lived here before me had anything weird happen. We left the house for a year for renovations, and I never had anything weird happen in the apartment we stayed in then, so it's definitely the house, not me. When I was 8 or 9, I was up until around 10 pm, making a lot of noise in my room, sitting on my bed. A woman wiht blonde hair and a blue dress appeared from under my bed, rising above the foot of it, and shushed me before vanishing. I went to sleep immediately after. I saw disembodied arms holding the railing of the stairs as if they were going up, I saw faces in the bathroom mirror when I was alone, doors open on their own, and I frequently hear knocking from the inside of my closet and on the inside of my windows. The scariest thing happened just earlier this year, when I was standing by my living room window, watching a dog in the yard, when out of nowhere, a man pops up and smiles at me, holding something shiny, I don't know what it was. I freaked out, thinking someone was in the garden, and closed the blinds. It was snowing that day, but it had stopped by then. Several hours later, I opened the blinds again to see if he was still there, and I realized there were no footprints in the snow, and the man must've bene inside the house. I freaked out AGAIN, of course, and looked throughout the entire house, and found no sign of him. The security system never notified anyone about the doors being open. With the lack of footprints and door notifications, and him just appearing, I'm convinced it was a ghost.
Reply by candyIcigs
I had a break up with my boyfriend i didnt date him for a long time like 3 months maybe but because we were still in the "honeymoon" phase i really felt upset and depressed for like a really long time. Anyways it was one of the nights where i had cried a lot and when I say a lot I mean a lot. I was laying down on the side facing the wall and when i turned I saw a shadow hushing by no sound I immediately stopped crying and usually I'm incredibly scared of paranormal encounters but this time i didnt feel any type of way at all.
Next story i wouldn't really call that an encounter it was more like a prediction. I met a guy online and was really excited to meet him. I'm not sure if that was a link but at that time I was really into spirituality and such. Anyways I had a dream of a street and there were like a lot of houses in a row and the one in the very front was standing out to me and thats lowkey how I imagined his Street& House. When I arrived at his Place the whole street and the placement of his house looked like the street in my Dream.
Reply by R4tp3lter