Does anyone have any leather jacket seller suggestions. ive got one currently but its slowly wearing away. I'm not looking for big companies and im having a hard time finding reasonably priced ones. help!!
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10 Replies

Reply by Crocs
i would just ask around if anyone has an old leather jacket in their attic ore something if not i would just go to ur local big thrift store
Reply by ThatPunkGay
Reply by stormy
Reply by maya <3
Reply by stormy
Reply by Kit 𖤐
charity shops / thrift stores usually have some. that’s where I get mine. even if u don’t like how they look u can always cover stuff w patches n pins
Reply by lars ulrich toilet
Reply by stormy
i found mine on the floor in an abandon wear house it was gross and dusty and had spiders on i saw it and said ¨WELP UR MINE NOW¨ and then got bit by what i would asume is a spider lol
Reply by Adelaide J.W
I've had decent luck with Army/Navy surplus stores, usually cheaper than online and more wide spread than an alternative specific shop. Most may not have leather jackets but have a lot of sturdy old school army jackets, trench coats, and denim that holds up pretty well. Plus both go well with any black patches you might have, I personally use white thread and it ends up contrasting really nice.
Reply by Reese2500
got my fav from my best freinds ranch, but my other i thrifted
its kinda too heavy tho so go with something light ;o