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Atheist Witches, Atheopagans, and the Skeptically Spiritual

I've noticed a sudden peak in people seeking out spirituality but for those of us that lack a belief in the supernatural or who don't follow a religion, it can be difficult to find a community and research materials.  What does your craft and/or practice currently look like?

Examples might be
Deities as archetypal metaphors

tools like crystals and wands being symbols and points of focus
mindfulness meditation
head witchery
open label placebo potions and spells
marking the calendar with themed celebrations

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13 Replies

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Reply by sofrat13


i am some kind of pagan but i dont beliee in gods also ive stopped practicing witchcraft due to absolute lazyness lmao i do belive in spirits and the universe, anyidea what religion i could look into? im tired of not belonging in any i dont like not belonging

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Reply by SednaWoo


I'm so happy to see this thread is still going two years later.  Just checking in to say I'm still practicing atheist witchcraft and I don't think a lack in supernatural belief makes me any less of a witch either.

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Reply by GloomyBear420


Look I know this thread is SUPER old and dead but I just had to respond lol.

I'm a full atheist, meaning I need testable, observable, scientific proof of anything supernatural to convince me it's real, and I am open to anything that can actually prove the supernatural to be real, because obviously that would change how we scientifically view the universe. I have a particular disdain for patriarchal religions and consider them to be dangerous. I think believing in anything on faith, without proof, can be dangerous. There's nothing wrong with saying you don't know or don't have enough information.

I still consider the earth and what it can provide as sacred. All I can see and enjoy in nature is a beautiful and honorable thing. When I practice older rituals it's about respect for the women who have lived before me in harmony with the world, and trying my best to see life how they saw it, even for a moment. From the sunshine to the rain, the mother earth is changing us and helping us grow even if it doesn't feel direct. The food we eat, (or the food our food eats lol), the materials we use to live come from this planet. I suppose I just see every candle I light, card I read, and spell I cast as a way to better understand myself and put my mind at ease. It's an intimate conversation of gratitude to what I know is real and what I admit don't know about yet.

I'm sorry if that doesn't make me a witch in the eyes of others, but it's not something I'm usually public about anyways.

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Reply by Ms Myspace


I'm in a system which has a lot of metaphysical and spiritual experiences but there's a limit to how much I believe with it. I believe in egregores which explain most of what we go through to me, and spirits to an extent with that. 

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Reply by GOBLYNNE_xo


After being interested in magick and occultism in general, I have finally decided that I'm fully ready to start practicing, especially after having confirmation that seers/fortune tellers are part of my ancestry :) I don't know much about them really, but in this point in time I'm not comfortable with working with deities until I know what and how they practiced.

I do believe in spirits and energy however, and want to delve into that a little more.

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Reply by Alice


I thought I was the only one lol. My wife and I light candles in remembrance of hard work or important things to be done. I also look for connection where others see coincidence, just in case there's a networking or dialectical common cause. Together, my partner and I treat our collective social action and work as its own entity like a goddess, and this has helped keep our home in order and safe from the outside system's hostilities. I find this a really useful method for compressing difficult and complex things into a more manageable form.

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Reply by Rachel


I fit into this somewhere. I'm an atheist, but believe that there is definitely more to the world than meets the eye. I bet there's some scientific explanation, we just haven't gotten there yet.

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Reply by UniqueFreak


While an atheist these days I value what my studies and experiences as a pagan/eclectic witch meant to me in terms of recognising and appreciating cycles and changes, the importance of balance, and patterns in life.

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Reply by Brad Apple


I saw "Atheopagan" and thought, "shit, I don't remember making this post!"

Needless to say, I follow my own solitary Pagan path that includes Animism, ancestor veneration, and your basic acknowledgement of the Sabbats mingled with Jungian and Campbell philosophies and a HEAVY dose of Archetypes and Humanism.

It emphasizes the "mind over all" and recognizes that religion, spirituality and deism all exist simply because we have the mental capacity to create them and make them so.

So I honor those who came before me, the natural cycles of the universe and our place in the natural world with pragmatism, science and psychology. I call it "Bradentology." Not really...I don't call it anything, lol! But it serves me well. :-)

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Reply by SednaWoo


Hey Cass,

thanks so much for recommending the facebook group recommendation.  I requested to be added and I can't wait to check it out.

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Reply by Cass


I'm a nontheistic satanist and practicing secular witch! I use deities as archetypes a lot in my work, and I do similar things with tarot (rather than like, ~ fortune telling ~, it's more about taking a step back to figure out what's going on in your head. It tells you what you already know).

I run a group on fb - The Moonlight Witch Bitch Society and Candle Club - which is open to all paths but is very purposefully science-forward/logic explanations before supernatural. Anybody is welcome to join, just answer all the questions! 

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Reply by SednaWoo


Noah, that totally fits in here I think.  Everyone has their own way of doing things so we never fit perfectly into boxes.  I follow the wheel calendar sort of but mostly just the solstice because Wiccan's just have too many holidays and who has time for all that (≧▽≦)

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Reply by Noah


I'm agnostic personally and I do believe in spirits, so i'm not sure my experiences are super fitting here, but.

When I make offerings, its not to any deity and more just something to say thanks to the earth, and to remind myself that I am part of nature. And I celebrate wiccan holidays because I have wiccan friends and family, so its something we can bond over. 

Sorry if this doesn't really fit here,,

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