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Are Staged Haunted Houses a catalyst for real paranormal activity?

It's my own theory; but I believe they are.

I know the TV shows are primarily entertainment. But at the same time there is a thread of truth to them a lot of times.

And look at the number of places that some of these shows, especially Ghost Adventures, have been called to investigate where the place was first used as a staged haunted house?  There's been several.

Right here in Kentucky, there is an old farmhouse that was used as a staged haunted house for a fundraiser for a number of years. And now it's one of the most haunted places around supposedly. And it's a negative haunting.

So I think the staged haunted houses are a catalyst or a portal for real paranormal activity. 

What do you think?

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Reply by Saint Vincent


Wouldn’t surprise me. The energy you put into the world always comes back. if these ghost hunters are putting out energy for these spirits and calling apon them, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m in utah, the same town with asylum 49 that ghost adventures visited. That one has had sightings and activity for years tho and to this day does.

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Reply by Kylie


I remember one episode where there was an abandoned factory turned into a fear factory somewhere, and the owners were talking about how for some reason the hauntings were getting worse. The factory had a history of tragic deaths, but what was causing stuff to get worse was the fact that one of the actors decided to read from a Satanic Bible.

Honestly I couldn't get a good look at it, and they bleeped out what the guy was reading aloud, so I don't know for a fact if the bible was LaVayen or not.
I think a lot of it is up to the locations history and how much negative energy is being put out running the staged haunts, because it is likely to attract very negative things.

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