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fairy encounters/evidence! [pinned]
Here's a small collection of fairy proof that hasn't been debunked yet
All of these examples could possibly be insects, but here we go...
From the article: "A rapper from Goldie Lookin Chain claims to have photographed proof that fairies exist - during a countryside stroll.
John Rutledge, better known as Eggsy, decided to take a snap of the summer morning as he walked through a field near Newbridge , Wales.
It was only when he looked back at the pictures he says he saw what looked like seven tiny winged creatures flying among the flowers and grass.
After zooming in John claims the transluscent figures, around 4cm tall, appeared to have 'wings, arms and legs'."
From the article: "Lecturer John Hyatt claims to have captured these images of the mythical creatures in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire.
And the 53-year-old Manchester Metropolitan University lecturer says he is on a mission to get more adults to believe and ‘bring a bit of magic into their lives.’
John Hyatt, Director of Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design (MIRIAD) at Manchester Metropolitan University snapped images of what he claims are the tiny winged creatures whilst out photographing the Lancashire landscape over the last two years."
This is a long one, but there's a few recounts of fairy experiences here.
"If the confidence of children can be gained and they are led to speak freely, it is surprising how many claim to have seen fairies. My younger family consists of two little boys and one small girl, very truthful children, each of whom tells with detail the exact circumstances and appearance of the creature. To each it happened only once, and in each case it was a single little figure, twice in the garden, once in the nursery. Inquiry among friends shows that many children have had the same experience, but they close up at once when met by ridicule and incredulity. Sometimes the shapes are unlike those which they would have gathered from picture-books. "Fairies are like nuts and moss," says one child in Lady Glenconner's charming study of family life. My own children differ in the height of the creatures, which may well vary, but in their dress they are certainly not unlike the conventional idea, which, after all, may also be the true one."
From the post: "Ashley recently contacted me when a video of her dog revealed “something unusual” that she could not explain and could not get out of her head. Her first thought, upon seeing the anomaly in the video, was that she “may have caught a glimpse of a fairy.”
That was the exact same thought I had when I saw her photos and video. This looks remarkably similar to pixie sightings my sister Susan and I have had in our house so it is exciting to see this captured on video for all to see. Granted, there are people who see pixies that look just the way they are pictured in books, etc. but they aren’t always that defined when you see them."
Will post more that I find.
Comment your encounters below or share any photos you may have!