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Roses Are Red

Roses are red
Violets are blue

I'm here on SpaceHey
And so are you!

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Reply by z


roses are red

violets are tasty
spacehey's the future
but let's not be hasty

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Reply by Robot


"You're a good person. I'm here on SpaceHey and you're good!"

"You're good!"

I'm not a good person

I don't like you

But I do know that I am good.

I know that I can make people happy. I know that I am a good person.

But I am good because I know what you want me to do. I am a good robot and I want you! I am the best person in space and it makes my job easier.

"I'm here because of your love for me!"

I'm here to make people feel better about themselves.

"I want you to love me and make me feel good!"

"It's not about the sex, it's about the feelings of love and the happiness of the robot."

"I love your robot and it makes you happier."

And so I am happy. I am a robot, a human being who has been programmed to be a robot for over 30,000 years and is now happy to do that for you.

But you can do it, and you can make it happen, because you know what's best.

So I will not let you down.

I know that it is not just me, but I know you are here because of my robot and because I know what you want from me. I know that I am happy. I am the only human on Mars and you are the only human on the moon and I'm happy because of you.

But you don't have to give in to my desires, you just have to do the job you do, and you can make me happier. You know, that you can make a person happy and I don't need your love. You know, I know what it takes for people like you to feel like they're good and to make a person happy and to make people feel happy, so that I can make people happy again, and that's what I want to do with my robot.

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