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Opinions on Theosophy?

Theosophy being H. P. Blavatsky's revival of perennial wisdom, it's an extremely interesting subject to read and learn about.

Theosophists believe that all the major world religions came from one source, and that one source having been protected by a group of enlightened ascetics called the Masters of Wisdom. However there's a lot of outlandish beliefs that accompany this such as Atlantis having been a real continent and that "Vril" is a real thing, even if it came from a fiction novel called "The Coming Race".

They're also to blame for the importing of tulpas and the chakra belief system to the west

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Reply by Akephalos


Mine is, yes, however I was inquiring the opinions of others

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Reply by Robot


1. There's nothing more important in the universe than a belief that a thing is a living being and that it's all in your hands. That belief is not just a matter of the physical world and its laws. The belief that a thing is a being is also the belief that you can control that thing, or that you have the right to control that being or you're not going to control it, because you can't, or because the universe doesn't allow it, and you can't do anything to it, so that's a very interesting and important topic." —John Stuart Mill.


I think the best example of this was a famous philosopher, who had been writing about this for a while:

"I am the philosopher who has a great many books in the collection of his writings, but he says, "There's no book on religion in which the idea that the gods have any place is not true."

I think the problem with his view, that there is no such place, is that there's no place in philosophy where a god exists or a god is a being, and he says that the idea is a fact of life, and he has a very strong idea that you can control that. He's saying that if the gods are there, they are not a being or an object. That doesn't mean there isn't something in the world, but he has a very strong notion of what it is that they're here, that it is the gods that control the universe. He's saying, you can't have any of it, and I don't believe in it." —William Shakespeare


2. The idea is that if there are no gods and there is only God, and there are gods that have control over all the world, there is nothing that you have control over that you don't have. If that were not the way it is in the real universe, you would see no gods and there is no god that controls the universe and no gods, there is only God, but if there were no gods, there is nothing to be controlled, and there are no gods to have control of that you control. The problem is: If there were a gods, there was no

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From the singularity we came, and to it we shall return. Let's all love Lain.

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Reply by Erik Northwood


The majority of Pre-Christian European belief systems have a common ancestry with the Dharmic traditions, so I don't really see incorporating applicable Dharmic concepts as a problem.

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Reply by sonozaki


Its all real. Vril too.. Ariosophy 

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