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Future idea

Posted by Doug Bolen


Forum: SpaceHey Group

So, we all know Facebook sucks. That's why we're here. I really love the nostalgia of this. Some people love the simplicity. Personally, I'd like to see this be what myspace should have been. 

I absolutely don't want to lose or detract from anything that this is. But i really would like to see a Mobile app Version, with a messenger style feature, and bring the myspace style chat groups feature to it. 

This is very 1.0 myspace style. I also enjoyed myspace 2.0. 

This does not need to compete in any way with Facebook. If could still be exactly what it is, but more modern, more user friendly. 

I want to replace Facebook all together, for myself. But i just can't deny the ease of access it allows for. 

They say you can't have it all, i disagree. We absolutely could. My opinion is that we should. 

It wouldn't even have to be an absolute jump. It could be an optional feature. So you could move to the future of spacehey or continue as you do now by your choice alone. More features or less features, entirely your choice. 

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Reply by They_Baby_Mama


I Could See A Mobile Version In Our Future . They Have Already Had So Many Users Join !

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