I'm replaying through shield with my own little team, ditching my starter with a nice set from go and I continue through until I reach the beginning of the end: "there's a rare pokemon waiting for you in the wedgehurst station".
After getting the taxi and heading there, I end up in crown tundra. Of course having level 10 mons means I lose to peony, but the game sorta lets me... continue?
I arrive at the max lair area, do 2 raids, and now I have 2 level 70 pokemon that fully obey me before getting a badge. The worst part is the dynite ore can get me 6 xl candies and 2 l candies. The 2 boosted squirtle from 5 to 29 and the 6 elevated my toxel from 23/26 to 58, evolving it.
The game shouldn't let me do that, and it wouldn't even be tough to fix. Just lock me out if I can't beat peony. That's bad design, but considering it's shield it's like complaining about a grain of sand in a desert.
Worst part? Peonia acts like I bear him.