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fav update?

Posted by Eli


Forum: Minecraft :p Group

my favorite was the 1.16

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Reply by Nick


I'm stuck in the old days so mine was 1.7.10 but I play on 1.16.2 and it's not the worst. I miss the old nether though :(

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Reply by Eli


yeah i can see that, the old nether was p cool

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Reply by LLuin


1.16.4 was pretty iconic

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Reply by irl sparkle bug


I had to think about it but I think 1.16! 

I also like the update aquatic and village and pillage, and also 1.7, but I like the nether and 1.16 made the nether a lot more fun! I think village and pillage might also be a close second with how much I use villager trading now 

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Reply by MythicWolf99


I'd go with the Nether Update, with the Village and Pillage Update being a close second.

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Reply by Alan Morales


prolly 1.16.4 

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Reply by J/Jay ♡


yeah, 1.16 was my favorite. i mean, i´ve been playing minecraft since i was like 4..and i´m older than the game just to clarify, and now im on the journey to becoming an mcyt!

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Reply by swchr



I started playing on PC on 1.7.10. When 1.8 came out, I was so hyped. It was such an exciting update and it did really change a lot.

Then came the big evil 1.9 with its combat system..

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Reply by Venus


Personally i loved 1.16

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Reply by Klau5_Dieter


Just updated my server at home to 1.18.1. My wife and I are really enjoying it so far. The game feels much more immersive than ever, and I kind of like that strip mining is less profitable now. It requires more strategy to get different ores and invites a new playing style. To be fair, I did always enjoy the brainless strip mining, especially while watching Youtube

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Reply by Accelrated


Reply by flippydippy


Mine is probably 1.16

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Reply by Adi


I personally thought that the Aquatic Update was golden.

Like, better mobility in water? That alone was a total godsend

Along with the underwater, caves, ruins, reefs and other biomes, new mechanics, bubble elevators, tridents, waterlogging, (the list can go on), it made the game refreshing and definitely expanded the things you could do on this awesome block game.

Regardless, all of these updates are epic. If you told me in 2012 that Minecraft would eventually be where it is right now, I would have never believed it for a second. Yet, here we are .-.

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Reply by Redscope


The 1.13 update!

Because the ocean seemed so empty before, and i really like how it turned out

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Reply by XxObscurefruitxX


1.8 - 

Planks now have different colours, theres a bunch of new crops, really switched up the whole game

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Reply by ☆ Ray ☆


1.13! i was so excited for it and it kinda launched mojang into making the sorts of updates they do nowm big and game changing!

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Reply by Via ^-^


1.19! Finally a new overworld biome update, and finally the warden

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Reply by SleepySwiss


My favorite update was the Ocean update.

I love the cute area you can find under water & i love building with the coral blocks 

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Reply by ⋆steph⋆


1.17 just because of the axolotls honestly :p

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Reply by haleigh


1.8!!! added a bunch of cool stuff to minecraft and started the "modern" version of minecraft we know today

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Reply by Tawksick


Aquatic update or Cliffs and Caves.

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Reply by ChopShopMonkey


the bees have been my favorite new thing so far, i liked collecting flowers and picking flower biomes clean but now i have a reason to do it. I feel like a cool beekeeper

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Reply by Edgar Allan Hoe


current caves and cliffs update. The world generation is absolutely gorgeous with these land formations consisting of forests secluded by large mountains serving as walls becoming far more common. The higher build limit lets me build higher and the deeper caves seem to never run out of ore.

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Reply by 420UrMomDotCom


The first update I was around for will always hold my favourite spot, I dont remember the number because I was like, 6 maybe but it was when we got different types of wood. It was when I fell in love with birch.

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Reply by jontribs


1.13 was a turning point, but id have to say for modern. 1.16.5 was a good stable version and for older versions. 1.4 for adding progression and modern creative meni

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Reply by Xen


I've never paid attention to the numbers on the updates but I really love the caves and cliffs, they brought so many new materials to the game and so much more depth. They also look really pretty despite being more open to mobs.

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Reply by Xen


I've never paid attention to the numbers on the updates but I really love the caves and cliffs, they brought so many new materials to the game and so much more depth. They also look really pretty despite being more open to mobs.

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Reply by DirtSkirt


Nothing will ever match the euphoria I felt when horses were added to Xbox 360 man. 

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Reply by Regular


I love the 1.16 update, the nether was truly lacking before 1.16. Like the Nether was basically barren without it. Its so much more lively and pretty and actually looks like a different dimension instead of a red cave 

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Reply by mars


1.16 definitely because i love how it made the nether more interesting and the new woods.

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Reply by Vicente


For me the Aquatic update was so nice, they added swimming, which was so boring and annoying before it came.

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Reply by ☆ Ray ☆


update aquatic definitely! 1.13 was so revolutionary and started the chain of really good updates 

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Reply by Gray


Probably the ocean update, might be biased cause I love all things water related. I may have nostalgia bias for 1.8 too cause that was the current version when I started playing. Color update was pretty nice too, I'm not the best builder but I'm pretty alright with decorating.

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Reply by *°:⋆ kez 。・゚゚・


the colors ,, its so bright and pretty now 

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Reply by Claiere


In my opinion, that'd most certainly be 1.7. 

The additions that were made to the game were comprehendible for me at the time. Loads of new biomes (Savanna, Taiga, Roofed forest, Deep ocean, Birch forest, etc), loads of new flowers (Peony (my favorite one :D), Poppy, Red bush, some new tulips, etc), loads of new commands and much more than mentioned.

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Reply by Bagel Lord


prob either 1.12 or 1.14

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


1.3.2 cause it added cheats in singleplayer

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Reply by Asbestosstar


I like 1.6.4 Modded the most 

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Reply by LittlePete


Java Release 1.5 was GOAT for a lot of reasons and in my opinion separates the truly modern game from early release versions. It added new redstone devices like the comparator and hopper. It also added the first Nether ores in the form of Quartz, which was and still is a refreshing material for adding clean white elements to builds. It also added the first steerable steeds though the carrot and stick for pigs.

I'd say each era of the game is really it's own experience but generally I play the most up to date version.

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Reply by Hannaaah


I actually had to think about this ffs

Probably 1.3 it blew my mind back then LMAO

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Reply by kediester ✯


probably alpha v1.2.0

had incredible world generation

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Reply by scourge the jeff the killer


the world of color update was the most nostalgic for me, i was so excited about them finally changing the yellow wool texture XD

rn my fav version is for sure beta 1.7.3, i like how much more slow paced it is. making texture packs 4 it is so fun

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Reply by Sofia


1.7.10 is my favorite version!!!

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Reply by MightyWinz


Village and pillage was an awesome update. I loved 1.14 and changed how I played the game.

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Reply by catatatonic


i really like 1.18! i miss how easy it was to get around and jungles being much rarer (is that just me? i genuinely never fail to find a jungle in any new world i make) but the goats and the mountains and everything about it is just so fun! 

(axolotls r pretty kickass too but those r 1.17)

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Reply by Tj


1.14 all time but most recent fav prob 1.16?? It adds a lot to the game the nether is super boring before this 

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Reply by timesetday


the nether upd8! added so much new cool stuff and I love the new biomes they added

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Reply by marius


i'd definitely say 1.12, 1.14 and 1.16! tho i must say i wasnt quite a fan of 1.12 when it first came out but getting new block textures 2 the game was definitely refreshing :D

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Reply by gmoney


1.7.10 was the best when it came to mod support, stability, performance, and features of the game. 

When it comes to having the newer features of the game while still maintaining good performance and mod support, it would definitely be 1.12.2. 

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Reply by callalillie


1.13, aquatic!! 

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